Bio Sketch
Hi. I am an associate professor in the the Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research and a member of the Data Science Institute at Columbia University. My research currently focuses on Discrete Optimization and Operations Research, and their interactions with / applications to other areas. I work on both fundamental properties and efficient algorithms. Topics of interests include Knapsack, Matching, Extended Formulations, and the interplay of Mathematical Programming and Computer Science. My favorite application is Market Design, especially in the context of School Choice. I also investigate the interactions between Discrete Optimization and Machine Learning. My projects have been funded by the NSF (including an NSF CAREER award), the AFOSR, the ONR, the Swiss NSF, and by a Meta Research Award. You can find my CV here.
I am / have been in the program committees of ALGA 2025, EC (2025, 2024), APPROX 2023, IPCO (2023, 2020), MIP (2022 (chair), 2021), CTW 2020. I am an associate editor for Mathematical Programming, Operations Research Letters, and Discrete Optimization. I am in the organizing commitee of the Cargese Workshop in Combinatorial Optimization (odd years).
I joined Columbia in Fall 2016. Prior to that, I was a SNSF Ambizione fellow, and a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Brussels, EPFL, and University of Padua. I received my PhD in Operations Research from the Sapienza University of Rome, under the supervision of Gianpaolo Oriolo.
Interested in working with me? I encourage you to take a look at my research topics first and then apply to the IEOR PhD program.
If you like (mixed-)integer programming or discrete optimization more generally, please consider joining the Mixed-Integer Programming Society of the Mathematical Optimization Society.