The Columbia Couples Lab
Columbia University, Psychology Department, 219 Schermerhorn
1190 Amsterdam Avenue, New York, NY 10027

tel: 212 854-0127 - fax: 212 854-3609
Research Program   |  People  |  Publications  |  Resources  |  Participate  |  Contact us


Undergraduate Research Assistant and Interns

As an undergraduate research assistant or intern, you will be involved in all stages of studying dyads including recruitment, instrument development, data collection, data analysis, interpretation, and preparation for publications. Please contact us and email your resume and your research interests.

Graduate Student

Graduate students join the Columbia Couples Lab via the doctoral program in psychology, and may seek admission to the program through the Social area of specialization.

Postdoctoral Fellow

Postdoctoral fellows join the Columbia Couples Lab by making arrangements directly with Professor Niall Bolger . The lab is currently seeking postdoctoral fellows interested in conducting research on the psychophysiology of stress and support.

© 2007 Columbia Couples Lab  tel: 212 854-0127 - fax: 212 854-3609