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The recurring Conversations feature in 21stC assembles scholars from several different disciplines for an informal brainstorming session on a topic of importance to all fields represented. Our Conversationalists to date have included members of Columbia's arts and sciences faculty, researchers from other institutions, and prominent commentators from outside the academy. Except where noted, Conversations are moderated by the Editor of 21stC.

  • A conversation on conservation from Issue 1.2, Fall 1995

    "The Environment and Human Consciousness"

    Don Melnick and Mary Corliss Pearl, directors, Center for Environmental Research and Conservation

    Simon Schama, Old Dominion Professor of History, professor of art history and archaeology, and author, Landscape and Memory (NY: Knopf, 1995)

  • A conversation on consciousness from Issue 1.4, Spring 1996

    "Wetware Meets Software: The Mind and Its Models"

    Akeel Bilgrami, chairman, Philosophy Department, Columbia

    Jaron Lanier, inventor/musician/author and visiting scholar, Computer Science Departments, Columbia and NYU

    Harold Sackeim, clinical professor of psychiatry, College of Physicians & Surgeons, Columbia

  • A conversation on population from Issue 2.1, Fall 1996 (Special Issue, "Biospheres")

    "Living Heavily on the Earth"

    John Bongaarts, vice president in charge of research, The Population Council

    Joel E. Cohen, professor of populations, Columbia and Rockefeller universities; author, How Many People Can the Earth Support? (NY: Norton, 1996)

    Allan Rosenfield, dean, Columbia School of Public Health

  • A conversation on foundations from Issue 2.3, Spring 1997

    "Does Philosophy Drive Science?"

    David Albert, professor of philosophy, Columbia

    John Horgan, senior writer, Scientific American; author, The End of Science: Facing the Limits of Science in the Twilight of the Scientific Age (NY: Addison-Wesley, 1996)

    Kelly Moore, assistant professor of sociology, Barnard

    Robert Park, professor of physics, University of Maryland; director of public information, American Physical Society

  • A conversation about our recombinant future: special feature from Issue 3.3, Fall 1998

    21stC's Biotechnology Forum:
    "Biotechnology in 2018: How will genetic science and technology change the world?"

    Robert Bazell (moderator), chief science correspondent, NBC Nightly News

    Barry Bloom, dean, Harvard School of Public Health; previously Weinstock Professor of Microbiology and Immunology and investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Albert Einstein College of Medicine

    Harry Griffin, assistant director for science, Roslin Institute, Edinburgh

    Robert Pollack, professor of biological sciences, Columbia

  • A conversation about impeachment from the "Presidential Crises" special section, Issue 4.1, Spring 1999

    "Below the Beltway and Beyond the Borders"

    Eric Foner, professor of history, Columbia

    Joan Hoff, professor of history, Ohio University

    Richard Pious, professor of political science, Barnard

    We invite further suggestions for interdisciplinary Conversation topics, and we welcome crosslinks between your site and ours. Please write to the Editors with your comments.