Spring 2010 | Fall 2009 Spring 2009 | Fall 2008 Spring 2008 | Fall 2007 Spring 2007 | Fall 2006 Spring 2006 | Fall 2005 Spring 2005 | Fall 2004
Fall 2010
Oct 8
Friday |
Colloquium on the Soliloquies through the Twelfth Century
Leslie Lockett (The Ohio State University), Emily Thornbury (English, UC Berkeley), and Frank Bezner (Classics, UC Berkeley)
will lead a wide ranging seminar on theories of mind and soul in Old English and Latin texts.
10 AM-3 PM Wheeler Hall 306
at UC Berkeley
Co-sponsored by the UC-Berkeley Department of English
Oct 27
Wednesday |
Peter Dendle (Pennsylvania State University)
"The Old English Life of St. Malchus: Desert Creatures and Spiritual Primitavism"
Two short tales of the Desert Fathers, along with Saint Jerome's complete "Life of Malchus the Captive," appear in Old English as a cluster in a unique manusc-ript (MS Cotton Otho C.i, volume 2). These tales contain lively scenes with demons, seductresses, ravenous lions, and daring escapes, alongside philosophical musings and quiet meditations. Aside from being inherently fascinating stories, these texts provide fascinating glimpses into late Anglo-Saxon responses to monasticism and spirituality. The talk will unpack some of the recurring anxieties and narrative trajectories of this brief series of texts, drawing special attention to some of the changes in meaning that have been introduced in the Old English version from the Latin originals.
6.30 pm
at New York University
19 University Place Room, Great Room
Co-sponsored by the Medieval Forum, NYU
Nov 5
Friday |
Wes Yu (Mount Holyoke)
"Carolingian Allegory and the Logic of Found Objects"
at Columbia University, Philosophy Hall 201B
Precirculated Paper upon request. Email [email protected]
Spring 2011
Feb 15
Tuesday |
Daniel Donoghue (Harvard University)
"Reading Old English Poems with Anglo-Saxon Eyes"
UC Berkeley
5.00 pm
Wheeler Hall 300
Feb 12
Saturday |
Seventh Annual ASSC Graduate Student Conference
University of Toronto
Crises of Categorization
All events to be held at the Centre for Medieval Studies, third floor, 125 Queen's Park, unless otherwise noted.
9.00 AM Breakfast and Registration
9.45 AM Welcome
10.00 AM Session I: Transhistorical Anglo-Saxon England
Eric Weiskott (Yale University) "Where They Please: the punctuation of Old English poetry"
Respondent: Patrick Meusel (University of Toronto)
Sarah Miller (Trent University) "The Battle of Maldon: A Medieval Screenplay"
Respondent: Kathleen Ogden (University of Toronto)
Stephen Pelle (University of Toronto) "'The Fifteen Signs before Doomsday': and Post-Conquest English Identity"
Respondent: Carla Thomas (New York University)
Camin Melton (Fordham University): “Vernacular Authority in a Materialized God: Reading the Text of Christ’s Body in Old and Middle English”
Respondent: Emma Gorst (University of Toronto)
12.00 PM Lunch
1.00 PM Session II: Storms Within and Without
Paul Langeslag (University of Toronto) “Winter: Landscape and Season”
Respondent: Josephine Livingstone (New York University)
James Paz (King’s College London) “Internal/External Interactions in the Exeter Book ‘Storm’ Riddles”
Respondent: Alex Fleck (University of Toronto)
David Lennington (Princeton University) “The Anglo-Saxon Death Lists: Crisis and Categorization”
Respondent: Julia Bolotina (University of Toronto)
2.30 PM Coffee break
3.00 PM Session III: Sex and Magic in Anglo-Saxon England
Grant Leyton Simpson (Indiana University) “Crises in the Pronoun Paradigm and the Transgendered Body: Crossdressing in the Old English Saints’ Lives of Euphrosyne and Eugenia”
Respondent: Kristen Mills (University of Toronto)
Richard Shaw (University of Toronto) “At the Borders of Medicine and Magic: A New Work by Ælfric?”
Respondent: Jessica Lockhart (University of Toronto)
Leif Einarson (University of Western Ontario) “Sex and the Smithy: (mis-)representations of sexuality in Anglo-Saxon and Old Norse narratives of metalworkers”
Respondent: Elizabeth Walgenbach (Yale University)
4.30 PM Coffee break
5.15 PM Tour of the Dictionary of Old English
Hosted by Professor Antonette diPaolo Healey
Robarts Library, University of Toronto
130 St. George Street
6.00 PM Dinner & reception
Hosted by Professor Andy Orchard
Provost’s Lodge, Trinity College
6 Hoskin Avenue
Please click here for the Schedule PDF.
Please click here for the Registration Form. Please fill out and return by January 31, 2011.
Sponsored by: Centre for Medieval Studies, Department of English, Trinity College
Organized by: Peter Buchanan (University of Toronto) and Colleen Butler (University of Toronto).
Conference Website
Mar 29
Tuesday |
Kathleen Davis (University of Rhode Island)
Faculty Work-in-Progress "Lyric Time: A Poetics of Transience"
Columbia University
5.00 pm, Board Room, Heyman Center
Apr 13
Wednesday |
Patricia Dailey (Columbia University)
Faculty Work-in-Progress
"Naming and Unknowing: Responding to the Exeter Book Riddles"
5.30 pm, Room 405, 19 University Place
Apr 26
Tuesday |
Renée Trilling (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
"Past Perfect: Nostalgia in Anglo-Saxon 'Popluar Culture'"
Rutgers University
6.00 pm, 302 Murray Hall
Apr 29
Friday |
Second Annual Medieval Studies Society Symposium
in collaboration with the Anglo-Saxon Studies Colloquium
"The Culture of Anglo-Saxon England"
13-19 University Place, Room 222
New York University
9:30-10:00 Registration, breakfast
10:00-11:15 Contextualizing Early Anglo-Saxon Culture
Katherine McCullough (Ph.D. candidate, Anthropology, New York University), “Is there an Early Anglo-Saxon culture?: Regional differences in England c.450-c.600 AD”
Emile Young (Undergraduate, English and MARC, New York University), “Laws and Kingdom Formation in Early Anglo-Saxon England”
David Lennington (Ph.D. candidate, English, Princeton University), “Poetry and the Christianization of the Anglo-Saxons”
11:30-12:15 Keynote Address
Kathleen Davis (faculty, English, Rhode Island University)
"Temporality and the Law: Isidore to Alfred"
12:15-12:45 Coffee Break (light snack will be served)
12:45-2:00 Latinity and Vernacular Poetry
Erica Weaver, (Undergraduate, English, Columbia University), “"The Opus Geminatum and the Meters of Boethius”
Johanna Rodda (Ph.D. candidate, Centre for Medieval Studies, University of Toronto), “A Vernacular Version of the Ascension: Cynewulf's Transformation of Gregory the Great's Homily on the Ascension”
Leonard Neidorf (Ph.D. candidate, English, Harvard University), “Wilfrid of Northumbria & Daniel of Winchester: The Beowulf Poet’s Contemporaries?”
Jan 22
Friday |
David Townsend (University of Toronto)
"Latinities in England, 894-1135"
a workshop in two parts
13-19 University Place, room 229
New York University
Co-sponsored with the NYU English Department
Morning Session (11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.)
Asser and Æthelweard
Afternoon Session (2 p.m.-3:30 p.m.)
Goscelin and William of Malmesbury
Please note: the event is open to pre-registered participants only; for pre-registration and recommended reading, please contact Gerald Song ([email protected])
Feb 19
Friday |
Sixth Annual ASSC Graduate Student Conference
Harvard University
Fear and Loathing in Anglo-Saxon England
To register please email [email protected], and indicate whether you will attend lunch and dinner
10:30-12:00 Session I (Thompson Room, Barker Center): Encountering the Other: Psychoanalytic Readings
Audrey Walton (Columbia University): “‘Ungelic is Us’: Separation Anxiety and the Search Hypothesis in the Old English Elegies”
David Lennington (Princeton University): “The Dream of the Rood and the Cross as Fetish”
Natasha Sumner (Harvard University): “Efnisien ‘Othered’: A Case Study of a Medieval Psychopath-Trickster”
Respondents: Mary Kate Hurley (Columbia University) and Brandon Hawk (University of Connecticut)
12:00-1:30: Lunch (Thompson Room, Barker Center, open to all registrants)
12:30: musical performance of Old English riddles by Scott Perkins et al., Faculty Room, University Hall
1:30-3:00: Session II (Thompson Room, Barker Center): Place and Geography
Matthieu Boyd (Harvard University): “‘Paganism, woman, and the ocean, these three desires and these three great fears of man,’ in Latin and Old English Lives of Machutus (St. Malo)”
Tomás O'Sullivan (Saint Louis University): “Early Insular Eschatology: The Apocalyptic and Eschatological Texts in Vat. Pal. lat. 220”
Kevin Caliendo (Loyola University Chicago): “Land Grants in Old English Poetry: Beating the Boundaries of Hell in Christ and Satan”
Respondents: Katherine McCullough (New York University), Andrew Grubb (University of Connecticut) and Eric Weiskott (Yale University)
3:00-3:30: Coffee Break
3:30-5:00: Session III (Thompson Room, Barker Center): Fear and Loathing: Encountering the Non-Christian
Benjamin Saltzman (University of California, Berkeley): “Suspicion, Secrecy, and the Hermeneutics of Elene”
Eunice Eun (Brown University): “Fear of the ‘Femme Fatale’: The Feminine Threat in a Masculine Society”
Leonard Neidorf (New York University): “Hæþene æt hilde: Rethinking Heathenism at Maldon”
Respondents: Brigit McGuire (Columbia University) and Mo Pareles (New York University)
6:00: Conference Dinner at the home of Professor Joseph Harris
Click here for the CFP
Feb 24
Wednesday |
Daniel Donoghue(Harvard University)
"Reading Poems with Anglo-Saxon Eyes"
5:00 pm
Reception to follow
523 Butler Library
Columbia University
co-sponsored by the Rare Books and Manuscripts Library
Mar 29
Monday |
Seeta Chaganti (UC Davis)
"Figure and Ground: Elene's Nails, Cynewulf's Runes, and Hrabanus Maurus's Painted Poems"
6:00 pm
Rutgers University
Murray Hall Room 302
Apr 1
Thursday |
Christopher A. Jones (Ohio State University)
Details TBA
Apr 1
Thursday |
Eileen Joy (Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville)
Always Historicize? : Historicism, Post-Historicism, and Medieval Studies
A Forum of Discussion
The Panel: Patricia Dailey (Columbia University); Dan Remein (New York University); Karl Steel (Brooklyn College, CUNY)
reception 6.00 pm
panel 6:30 pm
New York University
13-19 University Place, Room 222
Apr 12-13
Mon-Tues |
Martin Foys (Drew University)
Monday April 12
"S/word: Runes, Weapons and Media Transliteracies in Old English Expression"
Lecture, 6:00 pm
Rutgers University
6 pm
Murray Hall Room 302
Tuesday April 13
Medieval Transliteracies: Material, Media, Beowulf and Beyond
4:10 pm - 6:00 pm
Columbia University
Plase contact Mary Kate Hurley at assc[at] for more information and to register.
Apr 29
Thursday |
A Wulfstan Symposium
Joyce Tally Lionarons (Ursinus College)
Wulfstan and the Late Old English Handbook for a Confessor
David Lennington (Princeton University)
"Ne ænig man": Wulfstan, Power and Prohibition
Leonard Neidorf (New York University)
The Uses of Geardagum: Wulfstan and Old English Heroic Poetry
Milton McC. Gatch (Union Theological Seminary)
Reflections on Wulfstan Studies: Past Achievements and Future Challenges
5 pm
New York University
13-19 University Place Room 222
Co-sponsored by the ASSC and the NYU Department of English, in collaboration with the Medieval Studies Society, NYU.
FALL 2009
Nov 18 Wednesday
Martin Chase (Fordham University)
"Siðbót´: A Late Medieval Icelandic Trúarkvæði about the Judgment of Susannah"
Columbia University
co-sponsored by the Columbia University Medieval Studies Seminar
Feb 5 Thursday
Jeffrey Jerome Cohen (George Washington University)
"The Weight of the Past"
Reception at 6.00 pm
Lecture at 6.30 pm
13 University Place, Room 222
at New York University
Co-sponsored with the NYU English Medieval Forum
Feb 20 Friday
Fifth Annual Graduate Student Conference
at the University of Connecticut
9:45-10:30 Breakfast
UConn Student Union room 304 C
10:30-12:00 Session 1: Material Spaces, Places of Value
Jeremy DeAngelo (University of Connecticut):
"Things of Real Value: The Dragon, the Hoard, and Society"
Joseph Ackley (New York University):
"Once Feminine, Now Masculine: Treasured Spaces in the Encomium Emmae Reginae"
Michael Bintley (University College London):
"Buildings, Burrows, and Barrows: Wood and Stone in the Landscapes of Beowulf"
Respondent: Andrew Pfrenger (University of Connecticut)
12:00-1:00 Poetry Reading: Lytton Smith
UConn Co-op
1:00-2:00 Lunch
UConn Student Union room 304 B
2:15-3:45 Session 2: Travellers in the Landscape
Lytton Smith (Columbia University):
"'Þu mid rihte rædan scealdest' ("you ought, by right, to read"): The Interpretation of Travelers in Beowulf"
Christopher Riedel (Boston College):
"Manipulating Miracles: Instructing Pilgrims with St Swithun"
Respondent: Jordan Zweck (Yale University)
4:00-5:30 Session 3: Spaces of Individuality and Collectivity
Daniel Remein (New York University):
"Where Wisps of Being Mingle: Theorizing The Space of the Wræclast in Christ and Satan"
Mary Kate Hurley (Columbia University):
"Beowulf's Collectivities"
Mo Pareles (New York University):
"The Devil Inside: Mapping Self-Mutilation and Exorcism in the Old English Gospel of Mark"
Respondent: Britt Rothauser (University of Connecticut)
6:30 Dinner at the house of Robert Hasenfratz
Click here for Conference Registration form
April 21-22
Monday and Tuesday |
Stephen Harris (University of Massachussets)
"Did the Anglo-Saxons Understand Beauty?"
Seamus Heaney obliquely observed of North Germanic poetry its tendency to "trust the feel of what nubbed treasure/ your hands have known." With few exceptions, the poetic vocabulary of Old English shies from explicit abstraction. There is no mention of the True or the Good, let alone of physical beauty--descriptions of people and landscapes are exceedingly rare, for example. As a consequence, post-Enlightenment critics trying to recover an Anglo-Saxon Weltanschauung are faced with methodological difficulties that become increasingly pronounced as we come to search for literary reflexes of identity, ethnicity, gender, and so forth. What form did their abstract world take? How was it manifested in material form? How did their poetry relate to ideas of the Beautiful—if it did at all? And if we are to answer such questions, what would our answers look like? In this talk, I discuss Hebrew, Latin, Greek, and Anglo-Saxon ideas of the Beautiful and how one might go about looking for Beauty in Old English poetry.
6.00 PM Lecture
April 20
302 Murray Hall
at Rutgers University
Workshops at Columbia University
April 21
Workshop One: "Beautiful Materialities"
401 Hamilton Hall
1 pm to 2.30 pm
Workshop Two: "Community"
501 International Affairs Building (SIPA)
4.10 pm to 5.30 pm
FALL 2008
Nov 6
Thursday |
Mark Amodio (Vassar)
"Embodied texts, entexted bodies: performance and performative poetics in and of Beowulf"
Reception at 6.00 pm
Lecture at 6.30 pm
13 University Place, Room 222
New York University
Co-sponsored with the NYU English Medieval Forum
Dec 2
Tuesday |
Scott Gwara (University of South Carolina)
"Appreciating the Heroic Catastrophe: Why Beowulf's Dragon Fight Resembles The Battle of Maldon and What It Means for Germanic Heroic Literature"
Developing a case made in his new book, Heroic Identity in the World of Beowulf, Dr. Scott Gwara (University of South Carolina) proposes unobserved narrative homologies between Beowulf's dragon fight and Byrhtnoð's rout at Maldon. Gwara suggests that the trope of "Men Dying for Their Lord" motivates aspects of Beowulf's dragon fight. A new definition of "Men Willing to Die to Avenge Their Lords" highlights potentially reckless engagement by exploring the limits of vengeable action. In these terms Gwara finds that oferhygd (overconfidence) functions in Beowulf as ofermod does in Maldon. Appreciating Maldon as a reflex of Beowulf's dragon fight means evaluating how reckless heroism confronts the responsibilities of leadership in portrayals of ambivalent heroic action. Supporting reference will be made to continental Latin, Germanic, and other Anglo-Saxon sources.
5:30 pm
523 Butler Library
Columbia University
co-sponsored by the Medieval Seminar Series
Feb 7 Thursday
Andy Orchard (University of Toronto)
"Placing the Patterns of Old English Poetry"
reception to follow
6.00 pm
Teleconference Lecture Hall, Scholarly Communications Center, 4th floor
Archibald S. Alexander Library, Rutgers University, College Ave. Campus
Feb 8 Friday
Andy Orchard (University of Toronto)
"Writing Wrong: Beowulf, the Scribes, and the Editors"
A workshop
In this workshop, Professor Orchard will explore Anglo-Saxon editing practices, with a particular focus on the various corrections made to Beowulf by the scribes themselves and the implications of such corrections. He will also provide a critical look at how Old English has been edited in modern times.
9.30 am - 10.00 am: Coffee and Bagels
10.00 am - 12.00 pm: Workshop
12.00 pm - 1.00 pm Lunch
Plangere Writing Center
Room 303 Murray Hall
Rutgers University, College Ave Campus
Feb 16 Saturday
Pleasure in Anglo-Saxon England The Fourth Annual ASSC Graduate Student Conference
at Yale University
Click here for the participants and a schedule of talks.
The Call for Papers (Click Here)
Mar 4 Tuesday
David F. Johnson (Florida State University)
“Forensic Philology and the Interventions of the Tremulous Hand of Worcester"
6:00pm Columbia University Butler Library 523, reception following
How can we know that medieval manuscripts were actually read by
medieval people? What traces of their readerly activities did
medieval readers leave behind in the texts they read? What can
these traces tell us about the reception and functions of these
texts? This paper will consider the interventions in a range of
manuscripts of one medieval reader in particular, the so-called
Tremulous Scribe of Worcester, in order to discover more about how
and why he read the texts he did.
Apr 3 Thursday
David Damrosch (Columbia University)
"A Rune of One's Own: Negotiating Latinity in Medieval Iceland and
Colonial New Spain"
5.30 pm reception
6:00 pm lecture
13 University Place, Room 222
New York University
Apr 16
Haruko Momma (New York University)
"Anglo-Saxon Borders: The Representation of Text and Christ on the Ruthwell Cross"
a Faculty Work-In-Progress
In this work-in-progress session, Haruko Momma will discuss her project on the borders of Anglo-Saxon England and use the Ruthwell Cross as an example of an artifact that stands at both geographical and temporal thresholds--temporal, because this stone monument contains arguably one of the earliest specimens of writing in the Anglo-Saxon period, and geographical, because Ruthwell is located on the southern border of Scotland today. Of particular interest are the materiality of writing, the ekphrastic use of inscriptions, and the function of texts in post-conversion England, which itself is located on the periphery of hegemonic culture. The runic inscription on the cross will be compared to its counterpart in The Dream of the Rood to consider how the positioning of the Cross’s self-narrative varies as it appears on an eighth-century cross and in a tenth-century manuscript. She will also argue that the representation of Christ serves as a point of reference for exploring texts produced in a liminal space.
5.30 pm
103 Chancellor Green
Princeton University
May 23-24
Anglo-Saxon Futures II: About Time
an international workshop of seminars and roundtables
King's College London
Council Room, Strand Campus
Friday May 23 (Council Room, Strand)
2:15-2:45 pm Coffee and Registration
2:45-3:00 Welcome (Clare Lees, King's College London)
3:00-4:30 Current Times
Kathleen Davis (Princeton), 'Time, Poetry, and the Stillness of Speech'
Patricia Dailey (Columbia), 'He is ure heafod. and we sind his lima: How Ælfric Times the Body'
Sharon M. Rowley (Christopher Newport University), 'Who Read Æthelbert's Letter? Translation, Mediation and Authority in the OE Bede'
4:30-5:00 Tea
5:00-6:30 Translating Old English Poetry: The Ruin and Durham Workshop led by Marijane Osborn (UC-Davis). Discussants: Aaron Hostetter (Princeton) and Matt Kohl (NYU). Respondent: Chris Jones (University of St Andrews)
6:30-7:30 Reception
Saturday May 24 (Council Room, Strand)
10:30-12:00 Queer Futures
Lisa Weston (California State, Fresno), 'Desire and the Anglo-Saxon School Girl'
Eileen A. Joy (Southern Illinois, Edwardsville), `Queer Times, Queer Bodies, and the Erotics of a Nomadic Anglo-Saxon Studies'
Gillian Overing (Wake Forest), 'Beowulf on Gender'
12:00-1:00 Lunch
1:00- 2:30 Disciplines through Time
Hal Momma (NYU) and Josh Davies (King's College London), 'Past Presents: Temporality Collaboration'
Diane Watt (Aberystwyth) and Clare Lees (King's College London), 'GenderQueer Collaboration'
2:30-3:00 Coffee Break
3:00-4:30 The Old English Life of Mary of Egypt Roundtable discussion, Brigit McGuire (Columbia), Stacy Klein (Rutgers), Carrie Ho (Rutgers), Laura S. Bailey (King's College London)
5:30-6:30 Reception
FALL 2007
Oct 5
Friday |
Celia Chazelle (The College of New Jersey)
"Ritual, Reverence and Art in the Churches of Wearmouth and Jarrow"
4.30 pm
at Princeton University
Chancellor Green 105
Oct 17
Wednesday |
Joyce Hill (University of Leeds)
"Identifying Aelfric's Version of Paul the Deacon's Homiliary: Principles, Processes and Problems"
5.30 pm Reception
6.00 lecture
at New York University
13-19 University Place, Room 222 (First Floor)
Oct 30
Tuesday |
Heide Estes (Monmouth University)
"'Stige nearwe, enge anpaðas’: Landscape and Ecology in Beowulf"
6.30 pm
at Columbia University
657 Schermerhorn Extension
Jan 30
Tuesday |
Elaine Treharne (University
of Leicester)
lecture at Rutgers University
further details TBA
Jan 31
Wednesday |
Elaine Treharne (University
of Leicester)
Anglo-Saxon Paleography workshop at Rutgers University
further details TBA
Feb 16
Friday |
Third Annual ASSC Graduate Student
Echoing Anglo-Saxon England:
Continuities, Encounters, Influence
at Columbia University
Ware Lounge, 6th floor Avery Hall
for Papers Available Online: please click here.
Conference Poster
Mar 1
Thursday |
Christopher Jones (Ohio State
4.30 pm
at Princeton University
103 Chancellor Green
Apr 3
Tuesday |
Clare Lees (King's College,
University of London)
"Gender Indifference? Women, Sexuality and Anglo-Saxon
6:30 pm
at Columbia University
Ware Lounge, Sixth Floor, Avery Hall
for directions see
Apr 12
Thursday |
Medieval Academy Panel at the University
of Toronto
"Refiguring the Fall: Genesis B for the Twenty-First
4 pm
Roundtable discussion with Kathleen Davis (Princeton);
Catherine Karkov (Leeds); Stacy Klein (Rutgers); Haruko
Momma (NYU); Paul Remley (U. Washington)
Chair: Patricia Dailey (Columbia)
in Vic Chapel, Victoria College, University of
Apr 26
Thursday |
Jocelyn Wogan-Browne (University
of York, UK)
"Cultural Traditions and Anglo-Norman Women in
Earlier Medieval England"
6 pm
at New York University
19 University Place, first floor, Great Room
This event is co-sponsored by the Medieval and Renaissance
Center at New York University
FALL 2006
Nov 9
Thursday |
Christopher Jones (University
of Saint Andrews)
"Strange Likeness: the use of Old English in Twentieth
Century Poetry"
4.30 pm
at Princeton University
209 Scheide Caldwell House
Dec 1
Friday |
Robert Young (New York University)
A Workshop: "Multilingualism, or a New Approach to HEL"
at New York University
Dec 8
Friday |
Mary Ramsey (Fordham University)
"Texting the Dead: Lament and Loss in Medieval
Germanic Literatures"
4 pm
at Columbia University
628 Kent Hall
Jan 20
Friday |
Marlene Ciklamini (Rutgers)
Workshop: "The Call of Britain in Old Norse Sagas"
Lunch 12 to 1 pm, followed by the workshop from 1 to 2.30
East Pyne 010,
Princeton University
Sagas are renowned for exploration: exploration of character in
dramatic form, of ethical questions and of the world that lay close
to, and beyond, Iceland's geographical confines. Anglo-Saxon
England was part of this world. The question before us is thus an
expansive and elusive one. How did thirteenth-century sagas
preserve or transform the oral tradition that commemorated Viking
activities in Britain?
Feb 2
Thursday |
Allen Frantzen (Loyola University)
"Dialogue and Drama in Old English Poetry: Juliana and Beowulf"
5.30 pm
Reception to follow.
Pane Room, Alexander Library
Rutgers University
This event is co-sponsored by the Rutgers University Libraries
Feb 3
Friday |
ASSC Graduate Student Conference
"Friendship and Community in Anglo-Saxon England"
9.30 AM to 2 PM
Plangere Writing Center, Room 302, Murray Hall (Third Floor)
Rutgers University
For full schedule click here
Feb 23
Thursday |
Roy Liuzza (University of Tennessee)
"Senses of Time in Anglo-Saxon England"
5.15 PM lecture, 4.30 PM reception
Language and Literature Building: 19 University Place, Room 222
Mar 17-18
and Friday |
First International Workshop of the ASSC
at King's College, London with Clare Lees
For more information: King's College Anglo Saxon Futures Site
Mar 23
Thursday |
Maths Bertell (Stockholm University)
"The Thundergod Thor and the World Pillar: A Comparative Perspective"
6 PM
NYU, Medieval and Renaissance Center
This event is co-sponsored by the ASSC.
Apr 7
Friday |
"Recent Work
in Anglo-Saxon Studies"
organized by The Medieval Club of New York
7.30 pm
Speakers: Patricia Dailey, Kathleen Davis, Stacy Klein,
Haruko Momma, and Gordon Whatley.
at The Graduate Center, CUNY, 365 5th Ave (at 34th
St.), room 4406
Apr 21
Peter Jeffery (Princeton University)
"Traces of the Anglo-Saxon Encounter with Roman Chant"
co-sponsored by the Liturgy Group
4 pm at Mobia, 1865 Broadway at 61st Street
May 6 Saturday |
ASSC Panel at Kalamazoo: "The Powers
of Language and Old English Texts"
10 AM
Session 403: Valley I, 102
Old English and the Powers of Agency
Katherine O'Brien O'Keeffe, University of Notre Dame
Lacnunga XIX: An Anglo-Saxon Phenomenon
Martha Dana Rust, New York University
The Work of Words: The Powers of Old English
Patricia Dailey, Columbia University
FALL 2005
Sept 16
Friday |
Nicholas Howe (UC
"Writing the Map of Anglo-Saxon England"
5:30 pm — reception beginning at 4:30 pm
628 Kent Hall, Columbia University
Oct 7
Friday |
Bruce Holsinger (University
of Virginia)
"The Parable of Caedmon's Hymn: Liturgical
Invention and Literary History"
5:30 pm in Chancellor Green 103 at Princeton University
Oct 21
Friday |
Stacy Klein (Rutgers
Faculty Work-in-Progress
"I Sing of Arms and Yet Much More: Sex, War and Anglo-Saxon Literature"
Respondents: Olga Burakov (NYU) and Phillip Brian Harper (NYU)
2.30 PM at the Department of English, New York University
19 University Place, Room 222.
Professor Klein will also be offering a seminar on Thursday, October 20 1 p.m. to 3 p.m, 19 University Place, Room 505.
This event is co-sponsored by The Colloquium on Early Literature and Culture in English (Department of English, NYU).
Nov 4
Friday |
Michael Sargent (Queens College
and The Graduate Center, CUNY)
"An Introduction to Anglo-Saxon Paleography"
5-6 pm — followed by a reception
Mina Rees Library in the Eighteenth-Century Reading Room
(in the basement of the library) at the CUNY Graduate
This seminar is intended primarily for interested
students who have taken, or are taking, a course in
Anglo-Saxon language and literature.
The event is being sponsored by the Medieval Studies
Certificate Program, The Graduate Center, CUNY, in
addition to ASSC sponsors.
Jan 21
Friday |
An Introduction to Old Norse,
a quick lesson in Old Norse grammar for students
of Old English,
led by Richard Sacks
10:30 am-1:00 pm at Rutgers University
Feb 25
Friday |
A Graduate Student Roundtable Discussion
Selfhood and Interiority in Anglo-Saxon Poetry:
The Wanderer, The Seafarer and Beyond
with opening remarks by Michael
Matto (Adelphi University)
10:30 am-1 pm (lunch to follow) at the NYU Medieval
and Renaissance Center
Mar 2
Wednesday |
Gordon Whatley
(Queens College and CUNY Graduate Center)
"Hagiography and Violence: Saint Edmund and Other
Warrior Knights in Aelfric's Lives"
Reception at 5:45, Lecture
at 6:30 pm at the NYU Medieval
and Renaissance Center
Mar 23
Wednesday |
Faculty Work-in-Progress
Kathleen Davis (Princeton
"Ruling Time: the Venerable Bede and Amitov Ghosh"
from her book-in-progress, Ruling Time: Modern Sovereignties
and the Middle Ages
5 pm at Columbia University (Heyman Center, Boardroom)
April 15
Friday |
Jonathan Wilcox (University
of Iowa)
"A Ticklish Feeling: Embarrassment and Shame in
Apollonius of Tyre and Æelfric"
4:30 pm at Rutgers University (Pane Room,
Alexander Library)
April 22
Friday |
O'Brien O'Keeffe (Notre Dame University)
"The Silence of Eve"
on Goscelin of St. Bertin, The book of encouragement
and consolation
4 pm at Columbia University
April 28
Thursday |
Susan Kim (Illinois
State University)
Discussion on OE Riddles and St. Margaret
4 to 7 pm at Columbia University in Patricia Dailey's
Seminar, "Host Bodies"
April 29
Friday |
Princeton, Chancellor Green 103
10-10:30 coffee
Conference Moderator: Wes Yu, Princeton University
History, Language, and Pedagogy
Kate Olsen,
Columbia University, "Sounding Off in The Owl
and the Nightingale: What Sounds Signify in a Post-Conquest
Respondent: Nicole Smith, Rutgers University
Spencer Keralis,
New York University, "Anglo-Saxonism and Pedagogy
in Antebellum America"
Respondent: Michael Powell, New York University
Discussants for both panels: Hannah Elmer, Columbia;
Darryl Ellison, Rutgers; Ross Knecht, NYU; Matthew
Kohl, NYU; Matthew Saks, Princeton; Bess Miller, Columbia;
Benjamin Saltzman, Pace
The Spaces of Elegy
12:00 - 1:15
Mary Kate
Hurley, Columbia University, "The Exile and
the Other: Voice and Psychological Landscape in the
Respondent: Lee Fulton, City University of
New York
Aaron Hostetter,
Princeton University, "'Swefeth After Symle':
Human Economy and its Disruption in the Production
of Conversion in the Anglo-Saxon Elegy"
Respondent: Kevin Cattrell, Rutgers University
1:15 Lunch
Sponsored by: The Department of English and Comparative
Literature, Columbia University; The Office of the
Dean for the Humanities, FAS, New York University;
The Department of English, Princeton University; The
Medieval Studies Program, Princeton University; The
Department of English, Rutgers University.
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FALL 2004
Nov 19
Friday |
Gillian Overing
(Wake Forest University)
"Anglo-Saxon Horizons: Places of the Mind in the
Northumbrian Landscape"
12 noon at 103 Chancellor Green, Princeton University
Luncheon sandwiches will be provided following the
Dec 2
Thursday |
Robert Bjork
(Arizona State University/Institute for
Advanced Studies, Princeton)
"The Symbolic Function of Job in Aelfric's Homily
on Job, Christ II, and The Phoenix"
5:30 pm in 628 Kent, Columbia University, Reception
to follow