Biology C2006 / F2402 - Spring 2015 - Books - last update 01/13/2015

Textbooks.  The page numbers listed on the Schedule refer to the textbooks listed below.  There are several copies of each in the Sciences Library, campus level in the NW corner building, and you may be able to get used copies online.
You are not expected to do all the readings in all these books.  Which book(s) are right for you will depend on your particular background in biology, your interest in the topic, and the time you have to spend on books. See announcements for some advice on which texts to read.
Hardin, Bertoni &Kleinsmith  Becker's World of the Cell, 8th ed, Benjamin Cummings, 2012. Same text as first term.  Copies should be available in the local book stores that carry texts, as well as online from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc.

Becker, Kleinsmith & Hardin, The World of the Cell, 7th ed, Benjamin Cummings, 2009, is okay too.  

This text was used in the first semester.  Earlier editions are similar.  For approximate pages in the  pages in earlier editions, see old schedules.

Textbook website (for 4th ed) has quizzes, essay questions, and web links for each chapter. For the later editions, see the CD that comes with the text.

Sadava, Heller, Orians, Purves & Hills,  Life, the Science of Biology, 10th ed. 2014. (Some older editions were by Purves, Sadava, Orians and Heller.)

This text was also used in the first semester. If you have another general bio textbook, such as Campbell or Raven, you can use that instead, but you'll have to figure out yourself which pages cover the lecture material. (That should be pretty easy, since the books have excellent indexes.) If you have  older editions of Sadava or Purves see schedules of previous years.

The Lifewire is the book's website for the 9th edit.  Includes tutorials, quizzes, animations and other activities for each chapter. For the 10th edition, there are links to animated tutorials in the text. For quizzes, etc., you have to purchase access to BioPortal.

Sherwood, Human Physiology: From Cells to Systems; any recent ed, Brooks/Cole. This book is highly recommended for the physiology part, but there are lots of other good physiology books. (See supplementary texts, below. Note that Human Physiology: An Integrated Approach by Silverthorn is equivalent in coverage, and is currently used in the physiology course.)

We'll cover only 25% of either text, at most, so you may want to rely on the copies in the library, or look for a used copy online.  If you buy the book, make sure that you do not get Fundamentals of Human Physiology, a shorter, less detailed, book by the same author.  Also, if you see a paperback version offered for about $20, that is probably a Study Guide and not the textbook itself. 

The textbook web site  (4th ed)
or 5th ed. or 6th ed. has flashcards to test vocabulary, quizzes, and links to web readings. (There may be even more recent editions. The latest I have is the 6th.)

Problem book.  The problem book for 2015 (10th ed.) is available  at the Village Copier, on Amsterdam near 118th St. Copies will be put on reserve in the  Library in the new NW Corner building.
Mowshowitz, Problems in Cell Biology, Physiology & Development, 10th edition,  2015. (This is very similar to recent editions, but has a few extra problems.  Older editions should be okay, but the most recent edition is preferred. If you have an older edition, see the corrections page.) 

These problems are based on questions from exams of the past few years. Students who do well in this course consistently say that they benefited from working on the problems that are provided.  However it does NOT pay to do these problems in advance. Wait until after the corresponding lecture.

Supplementary texts.  If there's something that's not clear in the textbook, or if you want to read more on a particular topic, try one of the texts listed below, which should be available on reserve in the Science Library.
For Cell & Molecular biology, the books by Wolfe, or Lodish et al, or Alberts et al, or Karp, are all good.

For Physiology, the book by Sherwood is very good, but there are plenty of other good ones. There are excellent texts by Vander et al, Silverthorn, or Fox. Boron & Boulpaaep, Medical Physiology, used in Quantitative Physiology, is good too, but goes into much more detail than necessary on most subjects. The book by Silverthorn is being used in the current physiology course -- it is about equivalent in level to the Sherwood text. 

Online Resources

Good online resources are Kimball's online textbook & the Bookshelf at Pubmed.

The Bookshelf at PubMed has online versions of the Lodish and the Alberts books, as well as The Cell - A Molecular Approach by Cooper.  Last time I checked, the bookshelf did not include any physiology books, but it includes the complete text of excellent  books on cell biology, endocrinology, microbiology, development,  immunology, etc.  (Generally the next to latest edition is online.) You can search through all these books at once, by typing in a term such as "microtubules", and you'll get links to the pages in each book that mention this term. 

There are many additional resources on the web -- animations, pictures, lecture notes, etc. We will try to publish useful links as we go; if you find any, please send the URL's to Dr. M.

Last update of this page 01/13/2015 19:52