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BIBLIOGRAPHY of Biodiversity & Ecosystem Function (BEF) publications

The current bibliography represents papers suggested by participants in ASW 1 and is not yet an exhaustive list of publications related to biodiversity and ecosystem function. Please recommend additional publications to include in the Bio.M.E.R.G.E. bibliography.

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Aarssen, L.W. 1997. High productivity in grassland ecosystems: effected by species diversity or productive species? Oikos 80: 183-184

Allen, A.P., J. H. Brown, and J. F. Gillooly. 2002. Global Biodiversity, Biochemical Kinetics, and the Energetic-Equivalence Rule. Science 297: 1545-1548

Allison, G.W. 1999. The implications of experimental design for biodiversity manipulations. American Naturalist 153: 26-45

Austin, M.P. 1982 Use of a relative physiological performance value in the prediction of performance in multispecies mixtures from monoculture performance. Journal of Ecology 70: 559–70.

Austin, M. P. 1999. The potential contribution of vegetation ecology to biodiversity research.  Ecography 22: 465-484.

Austin, M.P., Groves, R.H., Fresco, L., & Kaye, P.E. 1985 Relative growth of six thistles along a nutrient gradient with multispecies competition. Journal of Ecology 73: 667–684

Bengtsson et al. 2002.  Slippin' and slidin' between the scales: the scaling components of the biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relations.  in Loreau, M., Naeem, S. & Inchausti, P. (Eds).  Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning: synthesis and perspectives. Oxford University Press, Oxford, United Kingdom.

Bisby. 2000. The quiet revolution: biodiversity informatics and the internet.  Science 289: 2309-2312

Blackburn, T. M. and Gaston, K. J. 2001. Linking patterns in macroecology. - Journal of Animal Ecology 70: 338-352

Broughton LC, Gross KL. 2000. Patterns of diversity in plant and soil microbial communities along a productivity gradient in a Michigan old-field. Oecologia 125: 420-427

Brown, J. H. 1981. Two decades of homage to Santa Rosalia: towards a general theory of diversity. - American Zoologist 21: 877-888.

Chapin, F., M. Bret-Harte, S. Hobbie, and Z. Hailin. 1996. Plant functional types as predictors of transient responses of arctic vegetation to global change. Journal of Vegetation Science 7: 1-12.

Connell, J.H. and E. Orias. 1964. The ecological regulation of species diversity.  American Naturalist 98: 399-414

Deutschman, D.H. 2001. Design and analysis of biodiversity field experiments. Ecological Research 16: 833-843.

Edwards, J.L. Lane, M.A., and Nielsen, E.S. 2000. Interoperability of biodiversity databases: biodiversity information on every desktop. Science 289: 2313-2314

Emmerson, M.C. et al. 2001. Consistent patterns and the idiosyncratic effects of biodiversity in marine ecosystems. Nature 411: 73-77

Engelhardt, K.A.M. and Ritchie, M.E. 2001. Effects of macrophyte species richness on wetland ecosystem functioning and services. Nature 411: 687-689

Ewel, J.J, Bigelow, S.W.  1996.  Plant life-forms and tropical ecosystem functioning.  In: Orians, G.H., Dirzo, R., Cushman, J.H. (eds) Biodiversity and Ecosystem Processes in Tropical Forests.  Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 101-126

Finlay, B.J., S.C. Maberly, J.I. Cooper. 1997 Microbial diversity and ecosystem function. Oikos 80: 209-213

Fonseca, C.R. and Ganade, G. 2001. Species functional redundancy, random extinctions and the stability of ecosystems. Journal of Ecololgy 89: 118-125

Fridley, J.D. 2001. The influence of species diversity on ecosystem productivity: how, where, and why? Oikos 93: 514-526

Fridley, J.D. 2002. Resource availability dominates and alters the relationship between species diversity and ecosystem productivity in experimental plant communities. Oecologia 132: 271-277

Fridley, J.D. 2003. Diversity effects on production in different light and fertility environments: an experiment with communities of annual plants. Journal of Ecology 91:396-406

Garnier, E., Navas M.-L., Austin M. P., Lilley J. M., and Gifford R. M. 1997. A problem for biodiversity-productivity studies: how to compare the productivity of multispecific plant mixtures to that of monocultures?  Acta Oecologica 18: 657-70.

Gitay, H., and I. R. Noble. 1997. What are functional types and how should we seek them? Pages 3-19 in T. M. Smith, H. H. Shugart, and F. I. Woodward, editors. Plant functional types: their relevance to ecosystem properties and global change. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge.

Gotelli and Colwell. 2001. Quantifying biodiversity: procedures and pitfalls in the measurement and comparison of species richness.  Ecological Letters 4:379-391

Gross KL, Willig MR, Gough L, Inouye R, Cox SB. 2000. Patterns of species density and productivity at different spatial scales in herbaceous plant communities. Oikos 89: 417-427

Hector, A. 1998. The effect of diversity on productivity: detecting the role of species complementarity. Oikos 82: 597-599

Hector, A. et al. 1999.  Plant diversity and productivity experiments in European grasslands. Science 286: 1123–1127

Hector, A., Bazely-White, E. Loreau, M., Otway, S. and Schmid, B. 2002. Overyielding in grassland communities: testing the sampling effect hypothesis with replicated biodiversity experiments. Ecology Letters 5: 502-511

Hector, A., J. Joshi, S.P. Lawler and E. M. Spehn. 2001. Conservation implications of the link between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. Oecologia 129:624-628

Hillery, M. J. 2002. Chapter 1: Learning from history; synthesizing species diversity research using capacity and allocation rules analysis. Thesis submitted for Ph.D. Macquarie University. (still under examination - manuscript available from author)

Holling, CS. 1986. The resilience of terrestrial ecosystems: local surprise and global change. in Clark, WC and Munn, RE. eds. Sustainable development of the biosphere.  Cambridge Univ Press, NY. pp 292-320

Hooper, D.U. and P.M. Vitousek . 1997.  The effects of plant composition and diversity on ecosystem processes. Science 277: 1302-1305

Hubbell, S. P. 1997. A unified theory of biogeography and relative species abundance and its application to tropical rain forests and coral reefs.  Coral Reefs 16: S9-S21

Hulot, F. D., Lacroix, G., Lescher-Moutoué, F. & Loreau, M., 2000.  Functional diversity governs ecosystem response to nutrient enrichment. Nature 405: 340–344

Huston, M.A.1997. Hidden treatments in ecological experiments: re-evaluating the ecosystem function of biodiversity. Oecologia 110: 449-460

Hutchinson, G. E. 1959. Homage to Santa Rosalia, or why are there so many kinds of animals? - The American Naturalist 93: 145-159

Jetz, W. and Rabech, C. 2002. Geographic range size and determinants of avian species richness. Science 297:1549-1551

Kaunzinger, C. M. K. and P. J. Morin.  1998. Productivity controls food chain properties in microbial communities. Nature 395: 495-497

Kokkoris, G. D., Jansen, V. A. A., Loreau, M. & Troumbis, A. Y., 2002.  Variability in interaction strength and implications for biodiversity. Journal of Animal Ecology 71: 362–371

Kotliar, N. B. and Wiens, J. A. 1990. Multiple scales of patchiness and patch structure: a hierachical framework for the study of heterogeneity. Oikos 59: 253-260

Lavorel, S. and E. Garnier. 2002. Predicting changes in community composition and ecosystem functioning from plant traits: revisiting the Holy Grail. Functional Ecology 16: 545-556

Lawler, S. P., J. Armesto and P. Kareiva. 2001. How relevant are studies of biodiversity and ecosystem functioning to conservation? In A. Kinzig, D. Tilman and S. Pacala, Eds. Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function: Empirical and Theoretical Analysis of the Relationship. Monographs in Population Biology 33: 294-313. Princeton University Press

Leathwick, J.R. and M.P.  Austin.  2001.  Competitive interactions between tree species in New Zealand’s old-growth indigenous forests.  Ecology  82:2560-2573.

Leigh, E.G., and G. J. Vermeij. 2002. Does natural selection organize ecosystems for the maintenance of high productivity and diversity? Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. B. 357:709-718

Loreau, M., 1998.  Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning: a mechanistic model. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A., 95: 5632–5636.

Loreau, M., 1998.  Separating sampling and other effects in biodiversity experiments. Oikos, 82: 600–602

Loreau, M., 2000.  Are communities saturated? On the relationship between alpha, beta and gamma diversity. Ecology Letters 3: 73–76

Loreau, M., 2000.  Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning: recent theoretical advances. Oikos, 91: 3–17

Loreau, M., 2001.  Microbial diversity, producer–decomposer interactions and ecosystem processes: a theoretical model. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London 268: 303–309

Loreau, M. & Hector, A., 2001. Partitioning selection and complementarity in biodiversity experiments. Nature 412: 72–76 & 413: 548

Loreau, M. & Mouquet, N., 1999.  Immigration and the maintenance of local species diversity. American Naturalist, 154: 427–440

Loreau, M. et al. 2001.  Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning: current knowledge and future challenges. Science 294: 804–808

Loreau, M., Naeem, S. & Inchausti, P. (Eds), 2002.  Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning: synthesis and perspectives. Oxford University Press, Oxford, United Kingdom.

MacArthur, R. H. 1969. Patterns of communities in the tropics. - Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 1: 19-30

Mackey, R.L. and D.J. Currie. 2002. The diversity-disturbance relationship: is it generally strong and peaked? Ecology 82:3479-3492.

Maurer, B. A. and Brown, J. H. 1988. Distribution of energy use and biomass among species of North American terrestrial birds.  Ecology 69: 1923-1932

McGrady-Steed, J. and P. J. Morin. 2000. Biodiversity, density compensation and the dynamics of populations and functional groups. Ecology 81: 361-373

McKane, R.B.  et al. 2002.  Resource-based niches provide a basis for plant species diversity and dominance in arctic tundra. Nature 415, 68-71

Mittelbach GG, Steiner CF, Scheiner SM, Gross KL, Reynolds HL, Waide RB, Willig MR, Dodson SI, Gough L. 2001. What is the observed relationship between species richness and productivity? Ecology 82: 2381-2396.

Morin, P. J. 1999.  Productivity, intraguild predation, and population dynamics in experimental food webs. Ecology 80: 752-760

Mouquet N. & Loreau M. 2002. Coexistence in a metacommunity : The regionalsimilarity hypothesis. The American Naturalist 159: 420-426

Mouquet N., Moore J.L. & Loreau M. 2002. Plant species richness and community productivity : Why the mechanism that promotes coexistence matters. Ecology Letters 5: 56-66

Mulder, C.P.H., A. Jumpponen, P. Hogberg, K. Huss-Dannell. 2002. How plant diversity and legumes affect nitrogen dynamics in experimental grassland communities. Oecologia 133: 412-421

Naeem, S.  1998. Species redundancy in ecosystem reliability.  Conservation Biology 12:  39-45

Naeem, S. and Li, S. 1997. Biodiversity enhances ecosystem reliablility. Nature 390: 507-509

Naeem, S., L. J. Thompson, S.  P. Lawler, J. H. Lawton, and R. M. Woodfin.  1994.  Declining biodiversity can affect the functioning of ecosystems.  Nature 368:  734-737

Naeem, S., L. J. Thompson, S. P. Lawler,  J. H. Lawton, and R. M. Woodfin.  1995.   Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning:  empirical evidence from experimental microcosms.  Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, London, B.  347:  249-262.

Navas, M.-L., Garnier E., Austin M. P., and Gifford R. M. 1999. Effect of competition on the responses of grasses and legumes to elevated atmospheric CO2 along a nitrogen gradient: differences between isolated plants, monocultures and multi-species mixtures. New Phytologist 143: 323-31

Navas, M-L., Garnier, E., Austin, M.P., Viaud, A. and R.M. Gifford. 2002. Seeking a sound index of competitive intensity: Application to the study of biomass production under elevated CO2 along a nitrogen gradient. Austral Ecology 27: 463-473.

Paine, R.T. 2002. Trophic control of production in a rocky intertidal community. Science 296: 736-739

Pausas, J.G. and  M.P. Austin.   2001. Patterns of plant species richness in relation to different environments: an appraisal.  J. Veg. Sci. 12:153-166.

Petchey, O. L., P. Timon McPhearson, T. M. Casey, & P. J. Morin. 1999. Environmental warming alters food web structure and ecosystem function. Nature 402:69-72.

Proulx, M. and A. Mazumder. 1998. Reversal of grazing impact on plant species richness in nutrient-poor vs. nutrient-rich ecosystems. Ecology 79:2581-2592

Purvis, A. and A. Hector.  2000.  Getting the measure of biodiversity. Nature 405: 212-219.

Reich, P., J. Knops, D. Tilman, J. Cdaine, D. Ellsworth, M. Tjoelker, T. Lee, D. Wedin, S. Naeem, D. Bahauddin, G. Hendrey, S, Jose, K. Wrage, J. Goth, W, Bengston.  2001.  Interaction of plant diversity, elevated CO2, and nitrogen deposition on productivity in a grassland ecosystem.  Nature 410: 809-812

Reich, P., D. Tilman, J. Craine, D. Ellsworth, M. G. Tjoelker, J. Knops, D. Wedin, S. Naeem, D. Bahauddin, J. Goth, W. bengtson, T.D. Lee. Do species and functional groups differ in acquisition and use of C, N and water under varying atmospheric CO2 and N availability regimes? A field test with 16 grassland species. New Phytologist 150: 435-448

Ricklefs, R. E. 1987. Community diversity: relative roles of local and regional processes.  Science 235: 167-171

Ritchie, M. E. and Olff, H. 1999. Spatial scaling laws yield a synthetic theory of biodiversity.  Nature 400: 557-560

Schmid, B. 2002. The species richness – productivity controversy.  Trends in Ecology and Evolution 17: 113-114

Srivastava, D.S. 2002. The role of conservation in expanding biodiversity research.  Oikos 98:351-360

Symstad, A., D. Tilman, J. Willson, J.M.H. Knops. 1998. Species loss and ecosystem functioning: effects of species identity and community composition. Oikos 81: 389-397

Tilman, D. 1996. Biodiversity: population versus ecosystem stability. Ecology 77: 350-363

Tilman, D. et al. 1997. The influence of functional diversity and composition on ecosystem processes. Science 277: 1300-1302

Tilman, D., Wedin, D., and Knops, J. 1996. Productivity and sustainability influenced by biodiversity in grassland ecosystems. Nature 379: 718-720

Walker, B. Kinzig, A. and Langridge, J. 1999. Plant attribute diversity, resilience, and ecosystem function: the nature and significance of dominant and minor species. Ecosystems 2: 95-113

Wardle, D.A. 1999. Is the "sampling effect" a problem for experiments investigating biodiversity-ecosystem function relationships? Oikos 87: 403-407

Wardle, D.A. 2002. Communities and ecosystems: linking the aboveground and belowground components. Monographs in Population Biology 34. Princeton Univ. Press.

Wardle, D.A., K.I. Bonner, K.S. Nicholson. 1997. Biodiversity and plant litter: experimental evidence which does not support the view that enhanced species richness improves ecosystem function. Oikos 79: 297-258

Whittaker, R. J., Willis, K. J. and Field, R. 2001. Scale and species richness: toward a general hierarchical theory of species diversity.  Journal of Biogeography 28: 453-470

Wiens, J. A. 1989. Spatial scaling in ecology.  Functional Ecology 3: 385-397

Yachi, S. & Loreau, M., 1999.  Biodiversity and ecosystem productivity in a fluctuating environment: the insurance hypothesis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A., 96: 1463–1468.


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