Archive of Past Events

NEW YORK CITY – June 16, 2006 - Buddhism for Global Peace, a student group at New York's Columbia University sponsored a symposium on "Humanistic Education: Theory into Practice--John Dewey and Tsunesaburo Makiguchi." Some 120 Teachers College faculty and staff, as well as others in the field of education, attended. Professor David Hansen of Teachers College, former president of the John Dewey Society, said knowledge comes alive when it is translated into action. He stated that Dewey, through application of his theory in the real classroom setting, became an example of scholarship for his students. Professor Hansen is editor of a forthcoming book entitled Ideas and Action: Enduring Visions of the Philosophy of Education which features Tsunesaburo Makiguchi, John Dewey, Maria Montessori and Rabindranath Tagore.

NEW YORK CITY - October 20, 2005 - Buddhism for Global Peace at Columbia University receives a grant from Columbia University Office of Chaplain to hold symposium and establish publication focused on global peace through humanism of Buddhism

NEW YORK CITY - June 10, 2005 - Buddhism for Global Peace at Columbia University hosted a commemorative meeting celebrating 10th year anniversary of Dr. Daisaku Ikeda's visit delivering a lecture on Education for Global Citzenship at Teachers College/Columbia University. There were about 80 participants ranging from students, advocates, educators as well as policy makers. Please click here for the program.