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Karen McKinnon, M.A.
Director of Training and Research
Veronica Pinho, M.A.
Program Coordinator
James Carey,
Data Manager

Francine Cournos, M.D.
Warren Ng, M.D.
Robert Remien, Ph.D.
James Satriano, Ph.D.
Milton Wainberg, M.D.

James Satriano, Ph.D.



Devore, B., Klein, S., Gebbie, K., Larkin, R., Wright, L., Satriano, J. & Culkin, J. (Submitted) An interagency policy initiative to advance mental health screening of prison inmates at risk for HIV.

Gebbie, K. Larkin, R. Klein, S. Wright, L. Satriano, J. Culkin, J. & Devore, B. (2008). Improving access to mental health services for New York State prison inmates. Journal of Correctional Healthcare. 14, 2, 122-35.

Satriano, J. McKinnon, K & Adoff, S. (2007). HIV service provision for people with severe mental illness in outpatient mental health care settings in New York. In: Blank, M.& Eisenberg, M. (Eds.) HIV Issues with Mental Health and Illness. New York, London & Victoria: Haworth Press.

Satriano, J. McKinnon, K & Adoff, S. (2007). HIV service provision for people with severe mental illness in outpatient mental health care settings in New York. Journal of Prevention and Intervention in the Community. 33, 95-108.

Satriano, J.(2006). Ethical, forensic and legal considerations. In: Fernandez, F & Ruiz, P (Eds.) Psychiatric Aspects of HIV/AIDS. Baltimore: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

Satriano, J.,Berkman, A. & Remien, R. (2005). AIDS and HIV related conditions. In: M. Eisenberg, R. Glueckauf & H. Zaretsky (Eds.) Medical Aspects of Disability 3rd Ed. New York: Springer.

Satriano, J. (2004). Psychiatric response to the AIDS epidemic in the United States. Interna-tional Psychiatry: Bulletin of the Board of International Affairs of the Royal College of Psychia-trists. 3, 18-19.

Grassi, L., Satriano, J., Serra, A., Biancosino, B.,Sighinolfi, L.,Pavanati, M., & Ghinelli, F. (2002). Emotional stress, psychosocial variables and coping associated with Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) and HIV infections in intravenous drug users. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics. 71,342-49.

Walkup, J., Satriano, J., Barry, D., Sadler, P., & Cournos, F. (2002). HIV testing policy and seri-ous mental illness. American Journal of Public Health, (92), 12, 1931-39.

Satriano, J.(2002). Routine HIV testing for the seriously mentally ill: considerations and cau-tions. Journal of Psychiatric Practice, 8, (3), 143-150.

Satriano, J. (2001). Persons with severe and persistent mental illness. In: O’Dowd, M. and Hoos, D. (Eds.) Mental Health Care for People with HIV Infection: HIV Clinical Guidelines for Primary Care Providers. New York State Department of Health - AIDS Institute.

Satriano, J. (2000). Legal and ethical issues relevant to HIV-positive psychiatric patients. New Directions in Mental Health Services. (87), 95-100.

Satriano, J. (2000). Legal and ethical issues relevant to HIV positive psychiatric patients. In: F. Cournos & M. Forstein,(Eds.) What Mental Health Professionals Need to Know About HIV and AIDS. San Francisco, CA: Josey-Bass.

McKinnon, K., Cournos, F., Herman, R., Satriano, J., Silver, B., & Puello I. (1999). AIDS-related services and training in outpatient mental health care agencies in New York. Psychiatric Ser-vices, 50,(9), 1225-1228.

Satriano, J., Rothschild, R., Steiner, J. & Oldham, J. (1999). HIV service provision and training needs in outpatient mental health settings. Psychiatric Quarterly, 70, (1), 63-74.

Remien, R., Satriano, J., & Berkman, A. (1998). AIDS and HIV related conditions. In: M. Eisenberg, R. Glueckauf & H. Zaretsky (Eds.) Medical Aspects of Disability. New York: Springer.

Walkup, J., Satriano, J., Hensell, S., & Olfson, M. (1998). Practices related to HIV risk assess-ment in general hospital psychiatric units in New York state. Psychiatric Services, 49, (4), 529-30.

Satriano, J. (1996). The link between early sexual abuse and HIV risk. Abstract. Psychosocial and Behavioral Factors in Women’s Health: Research, Prevention, Treatment, and Service De-livery in Clinical and Community Settings. Washington D.C.: American Psychological Associa-tion.

Satriano, J. (1996). Mental health care workers and the HIV epidemic. In: F. Cournos & N. Bakalar (Eds.) AIDS and People with Severe Mental Illness: A Handbook for Mental Health Professionals. New Haven: Yale University Press.

Satriano, J. (1995). Services for adults with serious psychiatric disability. Mental Health Ser-vices for HIV Afflicted Populations in New York City: A Program Perspective. New York: Coali-tion of Voluntary Mental Health Agencies, Inc.

Satriano, J. (1995). HIV and people with mental illness: staff training needs. Abstract. 8th An-nual New York State Office of Mental Health Research Conference. New York State Office of Mental Health. Albany, NY. PS.4, S21, A.

Herman, R., Kaplan, M., Satriano, J., Cournos, F., & McKinnon, K. (1994). HIV prevention with people with serious mental illness: staff training and institutional attitudes. Psychosocial Reha-bilitation Journal, 17,(4), 97-103.

Satriano, J., & Karp, M. (1993). AIDS and the chronic mentally ill: legal and ethical issues. (Report No. CG 025 415). New York, NY. Columbia University, College of Physicians and Sur-geons. Resources in Education. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 370 038).

Satriano, J., Cournos, F., Guido, J., Kaplan, M., Herman, R., & Horwath, E. (1993). Psychiatric facilities and AIDS: an institutional response. Abstract. IX International Conference on AIDS, 2, 843.

Remien, R., & Satriano, J. (1993). AIDS and HIV related conditions. In: M. Eisenberg, R. Glueckauf & H. Zaretsky (Eds.) Medical Aspects of Disability. New York: Springer.

Angrist, B., d'Hollosy, M., Sanfilipo, M., Satriano, J., Diamond, G., Simberkoff, M., & Weinreb, H. (1992). Central nervous system stimulants as symptomatic treatments for AIDS-related neu-ropsychiatric impairment. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 12, 4, 268-272.

Angrist, B., d'Hollosy, M., Satriano, J., Sanfilipo, M., Diamond, G., Simberkoff, M., & Weinreb, H. (1991). Psychostimulants as symptomatic treatment for the AIDS dementia complex. Abstract. VII International Conference on AIDS, 1, 195.

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