Smith, William, A new classical dictionary of Greek and Roman biography mythology and geography

(New York :  Harper & Brothers,  1884.)



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gustus.  L. Caesar died at Massilia, on his way

to Spain, A.D. 2, and C. Caesar in  Lycia, A.D. 4,

of a wound which he had received in Armenia.

  C^saraugusta (now Zaragoza  or Saragossa),

more anciently Salduba, a town of the Edetani,

on  the Iberus, in  Hispania Tarraconensis, was

colonized by Augustus  B.C. 27, and  was the

'seat of a Conventus Juridicus.  It was the birth¬

place of the poet Prudentius.

  CbsarSa (Kaiadpeia :  Kaiaapevg:  Caasarien-

sis), a name given to several cities of the Ro¬

man empire in honor of one or other of the Cae¬

sars.  1.  Cesaeea ad Arg^eum,  formerly  Ma-

zaca, also  Eusebia (K.  i) wpbg t$ 'Apyala, rd

Havana, EvaeBeia: now Kesarieh, ruins), one of

the  oldest  cities  of Asia  Minor,  stood  upon

Mount Argaeus, about the centre of Cappadoeia,

in  the district 'praefectura)  called Cilicia.  It

was the  capital of  Cappadoeia,  and when that

country was made a Roman  province by Tibe¬

rius (A.D. 18), it received the name of Caesarea.

It was ultimately destroyed by an earthquake.—

2. 0. Philippi or Paneas (K. r/ $iXimrov, New

Testament; K. Haveidg: now Banias), a city, of

Palestine at the southern foot of Mount Hermon,

on  the Jordan, just  below  its source  (vid. Pa-

»™m), built by Philip the tetrareh, B.C. 3 :  King

Agrippa called it Neronias, but it soon lost this

name.—3.  C.  Pal-sstin-e,  formerly  Stratonis

Tureis (Srpdravog  irvpyog:  now  Kaisariyeh,

ruins),  au  important  city of Palestine, on the

soa-eoast, just above  the boundary line between

Samaria  and Galilee.  It was surrounded with

a wall and decorated with splendid buildings by

."erod the Great (B.C. 13), who  called it Cres-

atea, in honor of Augustus.   He also made a

splendid  harbor for  the  city.  Under the Ro¬

mans it was the capital of-Palestine and the

residence  of the procurator.   Vespasian made

it a colony, and Titus conferred additional fa¬

vors upon  it; hence  it was called Colonia Fla-

;ia.—4. 0.  Mauretania, formerly  Iol  ('liiX

Kaiadpsta:  now  Zershell,  ruins), a  Phoenician

city on the north coast of Africa, with a harbor,

the residence of King Juba, who named it Caes¬

area,  in  honor of Augustus.   When Claudius

erected Mauretania into  a  Roman province, he

made Caai area a colony, and  the capital of the

middle  division  of  the province, which  was

thenee called Mauretania  Caesariensia,—5.  C

ad Anazarbum.   Vid. Anazarbus.  There are

several others, which are  better known by other

names, and  several which are not  important

enough to be mentioned here.

   CjESarion, son of C. Julius Caesar  and  Cleo¬

patra, originally called Ptolemaaus as  an Egyp¬

tian prince,  was bom B.C. 47.   In 42 the tri¬

umvirs allowed him to receive the title of  King

of Egypt, and in 34 Antony conferred  upon him

the title of king of kings.  After the  death of

his mother in 30, ho was executed by order of


   Gssarodunum  (now Tours), chief  town  of

the Turones or Turoni, subsequently called Tu-

roni, on the Liger (now Loire), in Gallia Lugdu-


   Cesaromagus.    1. (Now  Beauvais),  chief

town of  the  Bellovaci in Gallia Belgica.—2.

(Now Chelmsford),  a town  of the Trinobantes

in Britain.

   Cssena  (Caasetas, -atis: now Vesena\ a town


in Galiw Cispadana, on the Via Emilia, not  fat

from the Eabicon.

   Cesennius Lento.  Vid. Lento.


   0-esetius Flaws.   Vid. Flavus.

   C-esia, a surname  of  Minerva, a  transiattoB

of the Greek yXavK&Kig.

   Cesia Silva (now  Hasernwald),  a forest m

Germany between the Lippe and the Yssel.

   Cesonia, first  the mistress and  afterwar

the wife of the Emperor Caligula, was a womai

of the greatest licentiousness, and was put t,.

death with Caligula, together with her daughter,

A.D. 41.   '

   C-esonius, M, a judex at the trial of Oppi-

anicus for the murder of Cluentius, B.C. 74, and

aedile with  Cicero in 69.

   Caicus (K.aiKog: now Aksou or Bakir), a rivei

of Myaia, rising in Mount Temnus, and  flowing

past Pergamus into the Oumaean Gulf.

   [Caious.    1. Son of  Oceanus and  Tethys

god  of  the Mysian river.—2.  A companion erf

Eneas in his voyage from Troy to Italy.]

   Caieta (Caietanus: now Gaeta),  a town in

Latium, on the borders of Campania, forty stadia

south of Formiao, situated on  a promontory of

the same name, and on a bay of the sea called

after it Sinus Caietanus.  It  possessed an ex

cellent harbor (Cic, pro Leg. Man, 12), and was

said to  have derived its name from  Caieta, th«

nurse of Eneas, who, according to some tradi

tions, was buried at this place.

   Caius, the jurist.  Vid. Gaius.

   Caius C-esar.   Vid. Caligula.

   Calaber.   Vid. Quintus Smtrn^us.

   Calabria (Calabri), the peninsula  in  the

southeast  of Italy,  extending from  Tarentum

to the  Promontorium  Iapygium, formed part

of Apulia, q. v.

   Calacta  (KaX?)  'Akttj : KaXaKrlvog:  ruins

near Caronia), a town on the northern coast of

Sicily, founded by Ducetius, a chief of the Siceli,

about B.C. 447.  Calacta was, as its name im¬

ports, originally the name of the  coast.  (He¬

rod, vi, 22.)

   OALAOTiNus.  Vid. Ceoilius Calaotinus.

   [Calagoeeis (now Cazeres), a small town of

the Convenae in Aquitania, southwest of Tolosa.]

   Calagueris  (Calagurritanus: now Calahor-

ra), a town of the Vascones and a Roman mu¬

nicipium in Hispania Tarraconensis, near tha

Iberus,  memorable  for its adherence to Serto-

rius and for its siege by Pompey and his gen¬

erals, in the course of which mothers- killed and

salted their children,  B.C,  71.  (Juv, xv,  93.)

It was the birth-place of Quintilian.

   Calais, brother of Zetes. , Vid. Zetes.

   Calama.  1. (Now  Kalma, ruins),  an  import

ant town in Numidia, between Cirta and Hippo

Regius,  on  the eastern bank of the  Rubricatus

(now Seib'ous).—2. (Now  Kalat-al- Wad) a town

in the west of Mauretania Caesariensis,  on the

eastern bank of the Malva, near its mouth.

   Calamine, in  Lydia,  a lake with   floating

islands, sacred to the nymphs.

   Calamis  (KdXauig), a statuary and embosser

at Athens, of great  celebrity; was a  contempo

rary of Phidias, and flourished B.C. 467-429.

   Calamus (KdXauog : now El-Kulmon), i towr

on the coast of Phoenicia, a little south *.  Trip


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