Rawlinson, H. G. Intercourse between India and the western world from the earliest times to the fall of Rome

(Cambridge :  University Press,  1916.)



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[The letters ff. after an entry imply that references to the same
subject occur on at least two immediately succeeding pages.]

Abdalla ibn Mokaffa  179

Abhira   11

Abyssinia {Itiopyavan)   19, 92

acacia tree   126

Achilles   140,  170

Actium   101

Adad-Nirari IV.   8

Aden   i, 2,  10,  17, 94,  112

Aditya   139

Adulis (= Massowa)   91, 92

Aegidii (?Angidiva or Goa)   119

Aelana (= Ezion Geber, q.v.)   90

Aelian   49,  107,  170

Aelius Gallus   104

Aemilianus   154

Afghanistan  69,  163

Africa   14,  19, 98, 99

African baobab, the   14

Agatharchides  94,  113

Agathokleia  86

Agathokles   76, 86

Agesilaus   165

aghil [ahal)   14

Agnimitra   81

Airrhadii   133

Ajanta  9,  146

Akaba   {also   called   Aelana   and

Ezion Geber)   10
Akasa (ether)   61
Akesines, R.   34, 78
Akkad   i6

Akkadian tongue, the   2
Alaric 102,  151
Alasanda, island of  78
Alexander the Great   16,  19, 24,

29, 33 ff-. 59,  88 ff.,  117,  155,

159,  160, 167
Alexander, a trader   132
Alexander Severus   154
Alexandria   15,   69,   88 ff.,   95 ff.,

106,   III,   130,   137,   138,   140,

141,  171, 173, 174,  178

Alexandria-on-Indus (Alasanda of
the Yonas) (= Ucch) 34, 38, 72
almug trees (valgti)   11
Amritsar district  59
'A/xiKTTjpes   65
Amyntas   86

Anahid (=Anaitis)  23, 70, 72, 164
Andhra princes   84,  167
Andromache   140,  170
Angidiva  119
Angrammes {and see Xandrames)

Angria   112
Annam   130
Annius Plocamus   106,   iii,   113,

150,  152
Anthropophagi  26, 27
Antialkidas   77, 86,  162
Antigonus   38
Antimachus   74,  76, 86
Antioch   i, 9,  108,  130
A^ntiochus    I    {Soter)     93,    100;

II   {Theos)   100;    III   {Megas)

70, 74, 92, 100;  IV {Epiphanes)

48,  100;   V {Eupator)   100
Antipodes of Ktesias, the   27
^AvriTTodes { = 'OiriaOoddKTvXoi)   66
Antonines, the   103
Antoninus Pius   153
Antonius, king of Syria   130
Antun   130
Anupshahr  42
Anuradhapura   149,  152
Apamea   128
Apollo   Bunder   {Pdlvd   Bandar)

ApoUodorus of Artemita   78
ApoUodotus II 72, 73, 76, 77. 86,

Apollonius of Tyana   146
Apollophanes   86
Apologus   113
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