Shackle, C. Umrāʻo Jān Adā a glossary (v. 1)

([London :  SOAS,  1970?])



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(v-'-vi)                              Bisva attends poetry evenings in the apartment of his

friend Hunshi Ahmad in the Chawk.  They hear
exclamations of approval fro® the courteaari in the
next apartment.  A maid corses to invite Rueva to eieet
her mistress*

(omitted)                        Rusva finds it*s Umrao whom he's net seen or heard of

for a long timee  He invites her to join the commny.,
Deecription; of the inforn^lity of the poetry evenings*

(omitted)                        Mushaira, in which Rusva, U'srao, Munshi Ahmad and his

friends perform^

(omitted)                        Snd of mushairaj  guests depart*  Munshi Ahmad, a

romance and novel addict, urges Umrao to tell her life-
Btor^ft    Riistfa backs him up^ and Umrao eventually agree;

Coffiitted)                        Rueva praises the stylishness and interest of her

account: he explains how he wrote it down secretly
as she went along, and showed her the MS at the end*
Although at first annoyed, she then reads it and makes
corrections^  Rusvs, vouches for the accuracy of the
story, but leaves readers to decide for themselvee.


Cl)                                     Prologue: Urarao*s reluctance to tell her tale of Bhas-.,

(1**3)                          Her memories of her happy childhood with her family in

Fai^abad, who are rather better off than their neighbours.
Description of herself as girl*

(3»4}                          Ber  betrothal to cousin when 9 years old«  v/ealth of

cousin*e farfdiy in Navabganj*  Her parents* efforts to r-
her dowry together*  Favourable contrast between her
fiance and that of her friend Kariman#  Her happin?s6s ar.
approaching marriage*

(4«»5)        ■ Happiness of childhood*  Her father* s kindness and love,^
although her mother is fonder of her brother: her mothf-;:'-''
scolding her for losing a cheap ring.  Her mother's
kindneBs and concern when she is ill.

(5)                              Her rriother hae her jewellery and household implement©

refurbished for Umrao, In order that she may make a good
impression with her in--»'laM*a in spite of her fa therms
urging her to keep some for hereelf*
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