Shackle, C. Umrāʻo Jān Adā a glossary (v. 1)

([London :  SOAS,  1970?])



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lir-tf imj kMwtml h»tmxd. ^n
apbiti femtj ^' J^gbiti

fh© opani^ vtrss literally ^aa@$

*In 'aMeh @t©i^ i« tfe^re pl#asBr®f     Am I to t^H i^^ »wa stoi^" @r
tfe&t ®f the i^rl^*      Th^ ward® .figMM, *id^t ^^^» happened to on©s#lf j, sn@*«
0i» st©iy* ®^*^ jte^iM. ^"^^^ ^*^® happan.#a. to tha worlds the world's ^toir^
general tiism^^ &r@ ©ftes uaed together iB a ©os5>l^»0atsry san@e im 'tM.^ wi^,

A« thro'o^out tha noT®!^ th© Terst ©ex'T^s t«3 iatreduct -Uii! subject ©f
th® ^apt#r^ wMah b®giaa with Uur^o dapreofttii^ tha iatsrest of her life-






£5t - 'th® story ^leh

»   hisrgjs «®biiQ

to tease, pres'fokfj^ egg oil

fe-ft ohtr ohtr kt. puolit# h#j^s    'how jou k®ap provokias

m© with jour ^astioas*


sto^s asrratlva^ life-^stoiy

^^ga. giT@s 'ta@ jsess® of 'what plea»ii2pe ^ ther*?^
wMt pl#»sur« eai:i th@r« "bef'

j^£,^ f«f@r» back to
JOU ar« so #&f©r to he&r


yaaaooessftili, U35fartiia«.t@

»#piarat@d fro® hos^j itbaiidoiiad^' loffl;

whose family is deatroytd, r«ijs@d

'th«s eha^ of "tti© fasiily% i,e*g utoo has bi^ught sh&i^
on h@r faadly^

^th@ disgraoe of tha two worlds% i*e,, who is
disgraoud is thlM world aad th@ n^rt
Not® Imrn the last two phimsts rf^yme, like th@
pr^©®dJjig eo^ouisd adJtotiT©s ia -ad*     Striagi of
is^^^M^ ®pithatS|, all of vssry similar as^anlBg, are a
verj- s3mxmot@riiitio ftatura cf Persian and ©arl2r ^'x'^w
pros© atyl^^ aad lissTa too sosatimas ©mpleys this 1^
th@a obaelete :dietorloal dsTi©§«

th® uguel tranalatioiig Is *naT@r% hut th€t phrase ver^

©ft©n m@asB *not at all% ^©ertaiiOj not*, &6 hex^
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