Columbia Library columns (v.39(1989Nov-1990May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.39,no.3(1990:May): Page 32  

32                                   Kenneth A. Lohf

bold, imaginative pen-and-ink caricature drawing of Heywood
Broun by Miguel Covarrubias. Other volumes in the gift include
first editions by, among others, John Fowles, Ben Hecht, Aldous
Huxley, Mary McCarthy, Anthony Powell, and John Wain.

Frankel gift. Professor Aaron Frankel has presented approximately
750 pieces of correspondence, manuscripts, playscripts, notes, and
printed materials relating to his career as a theater director and
producer of more than one hundred Broadway, off-Broadway, and
regional theater productions. There are six letters from Alfred Lunt
and Lynn Fontanne, five from Greer Garson, and twelve from
Robert Penn Warren. The latter correspondence relates to
Professor Frankel's collaboration on and direction of two plays by
Warren: Willie Stark: His Rise and Fall, a stage adaptation of All the
King's Men; and Brother to Dragons. Also included in the gift are the
manuscript, drafts, and galley proofs for Professor Frankel's book.
Writing the Broadway Musical.

Gay gift. Professor Peter Gay (A.M., 1947; Ph.D., 1951) has
donated, for inclusion in the collection of his papers, the setting
copy, comprising the front matter, notes, and text, for his 1989
book The Freud Reader.

Halper gift. Mrs. Marjorie Windust Halper has presented, for
addition to the Nathan Halper Collection, a series of five political
posters printed at the time ofthe 1943 Teheran Conference, which
brought together President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Prime Minister
Winston Churchill, and Premier Joseph Stalin. In addition to the
three Allied leaders, the hand-colored lithographs depict Adolf
Hitler as the central imperious and evil figure surrounded by other
Axis leaders in settings reminiscent of Persian miniatures.

Hamory memorial gift. The colleagues and friends of Mrs. Marion
C. Szigethy on the staff of the Libraries have presented funds to
acquire a rare edition in memory of Mrs. Szigethy's son, Peter S.
Hamory. The volume selected, the limited edition of The Alaskan
Journal of Thomas Merton, was published in 1988 by the Turkey
Press in Isla Vista, California. En route to Asia in 1968, the year of
  v.39,no.3(1990:May): Page 32