Real estate record and builders' guide (v.49no.1242(Jan. 2 1892)-no.1267(June 25 1892))

(New York,  F. W. Dodge Corp.  )



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  v. 49, no. 1243: Page 38  


Record   and   Guĩde.

January 9, 1893



IV.^NT^D. —^ituit on  as  cli-zed   hrick    and  sink
»*     innlîer. w-ell up iu white   and colois; .ilso s'iní-
tarv pipHS.    >>aîi)pies of vvhite and colored   bricks
upon ai.iplicatioD.   Applv, .1. T. HAYNb,n,

t harlion Vi la. Ovington-on-Tine, England.

BUILDSR WA.NTEDat once to build a one story
blac-^smitii Fhnp; locatiin. 9Uh sr and lOth av.
For plans aud specilicatioos,

M. B. ROGER-!, 60 Liberty st.


ANTIiD.—A  desU room  ÍQ   a  suitabl •  office  i
Brooklyn, E. D.. for reai estate.     Address,

A. B. O., oflice Record ani> Gdide.

*   position witb resp^usible rpal estate flrm.    Ad-
dress,                         F, S., care Record and Guide.

also rood penman and h'ivioff experienee as cûI-
lector, &c., ÍQ leal estate offlce desires a situation.
M. tí , Record andGuide.


Dwelllnsrs and Flats.

BE.AUTIFUL POVIE in WashÍD^on av., near 172d
st., two niinutes to Klevaied «;iation. two mioutes
to Hailptn R R. SíaiioL, flfteen to twenty miDutes to
Graod Central; eig-ht rooms; all improven.ents; drive-
VFay and baru; a periet-t írem, all for iP8,r.O,).

D. MULL, i5«3 Washinston av., City.

"1 ^QTH ST., between Madison and 5th avs.; «ix uew
Arwtf three-story, hiph sroop, brown stone dwell-
ÍDgs; haDdsomeiy decorated; paiquet floors, mirrors,
pas íixtures. &c.; ft'^ per ceni^tnav reniain on mon-
ga^e; titie insured bv Uawyets' Title lusurance Co.;
watchmaa od premise-:.   Iiiquire of

JOHN W. PlUftSO <, 149 Broadwav.

^l '^ ^OO —Four story uew housí', West Glst st.;
ÍJ) 1 0^0\j\j» mortgage S!",*2r>0; immediateposses-
""   hL.AKELY, l?-,.'b Broadway.


.■S. M

—Elegant three-story brown stone
hou^e, ITth st.. bPtween 6th atid íth
S. Sr. BLvKKlY, 1536 Uroadway.

ELEQ.NNT HOUSE. De-irSthav.  and 61st  st.; per
petu;il side líí:ht; exc^ptional  liírht and  veutila-
tion; b^tter thao corncr; ensy lerDis; might posBÍbly
rent fuiDished to desiralile tenant.
Dec. 19.—lawlv.               S. NIXON, 6P Broadway.

A—At reasonable prices and easy terms, three and
four-story reside ices, witn three story exteu-
sions; all impiovements. Call and examiue or inquire
of the owner and builder, on the preniises.

S. O. WKIGHT, 1Í8 VVest laist st., open daily.
Oct. 3 uf.


ArSD ST GR\1, No. 308 West.—This superh house
is beautitul'V decorated: hes handsome gas fix-
tures; i< in perfect order; ready for immediate occu-
pancv; $18,001'; a greater bargain than has been of-
fered iu niouths.
Nov. 14-u£.                         CONDIT, 1179 Broadway.

ATTRACTIVE   HOU<E. WBSt  78th   st;might  ex-
change; equity on $23,(1011.
Dec. 19—law4w.                  s. NIXON, 61 Broadway.

ou ^ladíson av for sale. on very easy terms: all
rented: will net overO per ceot on investment. Kare
chaDce for speculators or iDvestors

ADaMS UROS , 413 5th av.

Vacant Lots.

díQA (\í\f\ —Lot OD 43d .st.. D<'ar 5th av., 2.5x100.
JJ)OV, WU.     s. M. BLâ.líELY, 1536 Broadway.

ImproTeil  Property.

C1LUB HOU.SE TO LET.-Furni-hed; unusual op-
■' ponuDÍty for a club to sfcure premíses coDoected
with a first-classresiainant; beurooms enough to pay
haif rent asked if reoted to merabers; clubs now en-
gaped iu a siruggle with the resiaurant problem will
hear of somethiug to Iheir advantage by addressing
Ofilce of The Recoed and Guide.

ing over lu per ceot: a rare opportunitv; near
liethst.                           F. REtD. 57 West IxCth st.


(kAA FOR ONE of the choiccst pieces of
^\j\j\j   iuvpstment proppriies on  Manhat'

tan I'^IaDd; exceptioDally we 1 builtaud very desirably
located; other good property (city or country) nill be
eutertaiDed in pait paymeDt.
Nov. 14—uf.                        CONDIT, 1179 Broadway.

offers for sale some choice pieces
of property on
LEONARli ST., between Broadway aDd West B'way.
KKANKLIN ~T , hetween b'way aDd West B'way.
Wlirrt SI.,b.-tweeD B'way aod West B'way.

BRO^^DVVAY, from Barclay ro 14th st.
BLEKC'KliK sT., from b'way to South 5ih av.

GSríENE -T.. Canal to 6th st.
WASHINGTON PI.Ai'E. i-'wav to Wooster.
WAVEKLEY PLaCE. B'way to Wooster.
Oct. 3 uf.

FOR  SAL'-í—Valiiable   investraent   propertv, near
Grand Ce"tral Depot; rental, about «;4.00ii; light
expeDses; might  exchange* equity oD   Sli0,l0O at 5
per cent.
Dec. 19—law4w.                   S. NIXO.'J, 60 Broadway.


d>f: A AAA —6th av., corner, oear 4'3d st.; this is a
íptiVíVvU.   great baigain.

S. M. BLAKELY, 1636 Broadway.

Country Property.

LAKE HOP.^TCONG. N. J.—Minnisink Park. West
Gate, threemiuiites' walkfrom Jlinnisink station
of í^entral H. ĸ. of New Jersey. Fur sale: lots, plots.
cottage and hotel sites. Prices according to size and
location. to siiir, all buyers, ranging from $35 for lot
35x100 to $10,000 forour flneít site for a hotel, 1,000
feet above the level of thesea; priucipars correspon-
dence soticited; ageots wanted; liheral commissions
paid.   Address,         J. WAKDsMlTH. Secretarv,

800 Broad st., Koom 9, Newark, N. J.

FORSALEOR LEASE.—A valual.Ie water power,
unfailiug snpnly: buildiogs and machinery in
moderate repiir; will sell for cash or take stock in a
company, or interest in a busÍDess 10 occupy this
prnperiy, which lies between D. L. & VV. K. K. and
Morris Canal, which are north and south boundaries.

FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE.—A handsome resi-
dence. Dunellen, N. J.. five minutes' walk from
Central R. R. station; fourteen rooms. all improve-
ments; stoble and carríage house; shade trees and
lawn, grapes. apples, pears berries; buiU on 156x300,
also a plot adjoiniug, unimproved l.'0x3UO, altosether
300 feei on Washiugton av.; can be seen at any tirae;
correspondence from principals invited; will pay
comraissíon to brokers.    Apply to

J. WARD SVITH, 800 Broad st.,
Room 9, Newark, N. J.

FOR SALE —In plots to suit; eligible building sites
icomraandiDg view of sound for milesi. on North
st., GreeDwich. Connecticur; price reasonable; terms
easy; neighborhood aristociatic and fashiouable.
Aoplv to

FRED. J. .STONE, owaer, 60 Broadway, N. Y.
Sept. 13-uf.

líf tfcoellaneous.

DE-iK KOOM TO LET iu real estate offlce OD 6th
aveDU", ground fl or, good light; convenient to
Graud    Central    >tation ;    references    exclianged.
Address, DEsK KOOM, care Recobd and Guide.

O I.ET OK lO LEASE.-Two floor.i of a factory,
■35x88, bght on all sídes, ĩ&t av aud lOrth sr; terms
moder.ile.                              J. KEEBER'S .'-ON.S.

Nov. 7 nf.                                             409 East 107th.

-^   factory. 50x98, in Harlein. near water-froDt, will
lease the three upper floors and build to suit tenant.
Terms very moderate.   Address
May 16 u. f.                         OVVNER, 409 E. 107th St.

PKINTING.—Book, News and Job.


14 Barclay, and 14, 16 Vesey sts.

8ALKS  Ot    l'Hli   UKKH.

The foUowing are the sales at the Real Estate l£i •
cbange and Ãuction Room for the week endirg
January 8.

• Indicates that the property described has been bia
ín for plaintiS^s account:


18th st. No. 4.Í5. n s, li'i e lOth av, ■ZSxí'.i. fovu--
siory brk tenem't and three-story brk tene-
ment OD rear.   A. W. uuller............... $16,000

*il9tb st, No. 9, ns, I0D.5 w 5th av, Iix61.7xl4 6
x7."i.9, three stnry brk dweH'g. Geo. Kmgs-
luDd et al truste'^'S.   i.vmt due S5 68").......     6,200

•■ligth st, No, li.adj, li.^6'..4xl4 Bx61.7. thiee-
story brk dwell'g.   Snine. . Anit due $"i,68u).     6.100

♦119th st. No. '3, adj. 14x6.1.3x14.6x65.4, ihree-
slory brk dwell'g.   same.   lAint due $.5,li80)     6,325

I19ih st, No. i7, n s, 16s 5 w 5th av, llx?6.l0x
14.0x73. three-story brk dwell'g. Morris Litt-
roan.   (Amt due $3,r8n) ...................     6,325

119th st, No. 19, Bdj, 14x8^7x14.6x76.10, three-
storv brk dwell'g. G. D. Kuger. (Amr due
$5,080).....    ........................     6,325

lI9ihBt N". 31, adj, 14x84.5x14.6x80.7, three-
Btorr brk dwell'g.   .>an)e    (Aint due $5,579;     6,375

119th st, No. 23. adj, 14x86.3x14.6x84.5, ihree-
Btory brk dwell'g. Chas. Lowenfeld. lAmt
due $5,577)........................ .......     6,350

♦n9th tt, No. :;!^, adj, 14s92.lxl4.6x88 3, three-
story brk dwell'g. Geo. Kingsland et al.
trustees. (An.t due $5,61 IJ...................     6,'225

•119ih st, No. 87, adj, rj.l0x93.10xl4.3x92.11,
three-story brk dwell'g. Same. lAmt due
$5,611)...................................     B,2Û0

♦119th st, No. 39, adi, 13.9x99.8x14.2x95.10,
three-story brk dnelrg. Same. (Amt due
$5,611)...................................___     6,:i00

119thst. No. 31. adj, 18.9x102x14.2x99.8, three-
Btory brk dwell'g. F. Pohalskl. lAmt due
S5,6in.....................................     6,37B

ll»tb st, No. 83, adj, 13.9x104.11x14.2x102, three-
story brk dwell'g. B. Schlaoowsky. (Amt
du6$5,680)..................................     6,550

119th st, No. 35, adj, 16.6xlll.SxI6.9xl04.ll,
three-story brk dwell'g. Morris LittmaD.
(Amt due $3,680)............................     7,050


New Bowery, No. 17 I 36.4x3.2x34.5x38.7,   five-
Roosevelt st, No. 53 f    story    hrk    teuem't.
(Bid ini......................................      ___

J.  N.  G0LDn!O.

-ShetifE st, No. 65, w s, 100 s Kiviogton st, 26x
1110, flve-story brfc teneni't and stores. Louis
Weiufeld. (Amc due $3,43'^; prinr morts.
$18,000; sold Dec. 31 1869, for $37,'370J........   '36 000


. I

♦reth st, 8 s, 198 e Av A, 35xl03.3, vacant.

75thst. ns, 173 e Av A, 25x103.2, vacant.  ... f

.  Wm. Man aud ano.   (Amt due $û,3ti03.......      6,600

Wooster st, Nos. 153-156, e s, 125 s Houston st,
75x1011, two six-story brk stores.     Heilner

& VVrlf....................................   116,000

5th av, No. 10:34, e s. 83.3 n 84th st. 20xl2i, flve-
story stone frout dwell'g. Wm. U. 'Tweddell.
(Amt due $43,819)........................      44,500


Henry st, No. 16:1, n s, 1^3 w Jefferson st. 21.8
x;5, two-story brk dwell'g.   M. Solomon___     13,300

Total.........................................gso' ,300

CcrrespoDdine week 1891...................$921,830


FoR Week Ending January 7.
No. 112, w s. 80 s WarieD  st, 20x80.10,

4th av
two-story brk dwell'g, '30x38.

Â. L. Smĩth,.


•Adelphist, Nos. 473 aod 475, e s, 208 n Atlaotio
av .50x10(1, two three-story frame tcDem'ts
and stores and two-story frame on rear.
Antonio .Vlugno.........          ...............

♦Deau st. No. 1387, n s, 140 e Albany av, 20x801

Dean si, No. 1389, n s, 160 e Albany av, 20x80 í

Two tbree story hrk dweU'gs..............J

LauraS. Baker........................

• Degraw st, s s, 430 w FraukliD av.;'30xl31, va-
caDt, all right, ti'.Ie and int.   Agnes L. Yeuni

•Decatur st, No. 638-618. s e cor Saratoga av.
115 0x100, flve two-story and basement brk
dwell'gs and one four-story brk flat on corner
unflmshed.   Joseph P. Puels              ......

Gold st, No. 207. n e cor Nassau st,'24.1x79.9,
four-Btory brk flat aud stores.   vvm. Brown.

Saods st, No. 178, s s, 35 w Gold st, 25x100,
three-story frame dwell'gaod store aDd one-
story frame stable on rear.   Thos. Wood.. ■

Hull st, No. 181, n s, 375 e Kockaway av, 18.9S
100, three-story brk dwed'g. George C;arU

Paclflc st, No. 15.50, s s, 160 e Alhany av, 'ilix
107.2VÍ. three-story frame tbrk linedi dwell'g.
Geo. A. Rcudder...........................

Paciflc st, No. 165'3, s s, 180 e Alhany av, 'jOx
107.^14. three-story framo ibrk lined. dwell'g.
Gertiude s. Davis.........................

Paciflc st No. 15.=8, s s, 340 e Albauy áv. 20x
lOT.'J^, three-story frarae ibrk lined) dwell'g.
Jds-ie Carll........................

Pacilic st. No. 1660, s s, 260 e Albaiiy áv,'2(ix
107 ■J^, threesto y frame (brklinedidweH'g.
Anua L. Owen............................

Pariflc sc, No. 1663, s s, 2Sii e Albany aviV^Íx
107 '3^, three-story frame tbrkliuedi dwell'g.
LÍEZie A. Paddock.......................

Roebling st, No. 131. s e cor North 5th st. aix75',
three story brk dwell'g and store and two-
story frame dwell'g on rear. Joseph H. Col-
yer............. ....................

Saods st, No. 180, s w cor Gold'st,'25x100,
three-story frame dwell'g aod store and
three two-story frame dwell'gs, two wilh
stores on Gold st.   P. J. Kelly..














*St. Johns pl, No. 240, s s, 100 w 8th av, 18.10x

100. three-story brk dwell'g, all right,  titie

and iDt.   Emma Stevens..........          10

♦Somers  st,   No.   5a, d s. 39 e HopkÍDSou av,

18.6x80, three-story   brk   tenem't.     hlenry

('. Mecĸlein exr    ..........................      2,500

Witliers st, No. 30,  s 6, 150 e Union av. '35x70,

twn-storv frame dwell'g. Judge & Durack. 1,213
<27th st, n s, 235 e 4th av, 40x1(0, two three-

s'ory brk teuem'ts,   Sophie G. Parker......      7,000

*65th st, s s, 3r5 e 6th av, '^jxlOo.^, Bay Kidge.

Hamilton ('n-operat!ve B and L Assnc.......        £00

♦.vtlanlic av, No 435. n s, 375 e  ĩîond st,'ÍSx

1011,   three-story   fraine  dwell'g   with   brk

front.   ( ath.  L. Gilflllan..................      6,000

Nossau av, No. 239, n e cnr Monitor st, 2 x80,

iIireH-story irame dwell'g and store.   Blar-

tíD HarDist............................      7,000

2d Bt. s s,  1(8.3 e  5th av. 30x100, four-story

dnuble Drk flat.   EdwardJ. Hart............    15,360

*3d st, s s, 138.3  e 6th av. 3('xl00. four-story

double brk flat.   .'^tephen B. sturges......    14,9C4

*7th st. B s. 4(I3.1H w 8th av, 20.9x100, three-

stoi'> brk and stone flat. Cîeo. A. .Minasíon.. 6,C0O
*îth  av,   No. 230, w s. 31 n 4th et, 19x!'8, four-

Btory   brk  flat.   The MetrLUolitaD Life Ids.

Co...................................      9,000

7th   av,   No. 228  w s. 40n 4th st, 3(ixt8 four-

story double hrk flat.   Same...............    13,000

Total.....................................   $186,436

Correspondineweek. 189C-1891...........      8103,800


Wherever the lettets V. C, C. a. (í. and B. <t 8
occurt preceded by the name o/ the grantee they mean
as foUows:

Ist—Q. C. is an abbreviation for Ouit Cîaim deed.
Í. *■-., a ãeed in which all the right, title and intereai oj
the grantor is conveyed, omitting all oovenanta or

2d—C. a. Q. m^ans a deed containing Covenant
against Grantor only^ in which he covenants that he
hãth not done any act whereby the estate conveyed
niay be impeached, charged or encumbered.

M~B. f£ S. is an abhrt'viation for Bargain and
Sale deed, wherein, althvugh the seller makes no ex-
press covenants, he really grants or conveys the
property fora valiiable consideration, and thus im-
pliedltí claints to be the owner of it.

NEW Toĸĸ sm.

December 31, January 1, 2, 4, 5, ti, 7.

Allen st, Nos. 43 and 45 , w s, 50 n Hester st, 50x
50. two fivestory brk tíii€m'ts T\ilh slores.
CatbarÍDe G. Sfecor to Hermao Fichter aĸd
Aaron and Barnett Lev j.    Jan. 5.           $ĩí6,500

Allen st, No. Ii35, w s, 150.G s Stactfn st, luns
west 40 X uorth 0.6 X wesl 41.6 x scuth 25 x
east 87.0 to Allen st, x nortb 24.C, five story
brk store aod tenem't with   three-story brk
  v. 49, no. 1243: Page 38