Real estate record and builders' guide (v.80no.2051(July 6 1907)-no.2076(Dec. 28 1907))

(New York,  F. W. Dodge Corp.  )



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  v. 80, no. 2066: Page 614  


Ôctober 19, 1907

Blds Opened.

Luke A. Burke & Sons Co., Inc, 25-27 West 42d st, submitted
the lowest bid, at $90,713, for erecting the addition to the Met-
Topolitan Museum  of Art,

Contractor Charles Wille, Nos. 34-36 Jackson av, Long Island
City, submitted the oniy bid at $295,460 for rebuiiding the in-
terior of the Queens County Courthouse at Long Isiand City.

Eids were opened on Monday for the new Coney ĩsiand hos-
nital to be erected on Ocean Parkway. Richard E. Heningham,
1 Madison av, at $328,475, was low bidder, and aiso received
the contract.

Wm, F. Holding, builder, Davidson av and 185th st, Manhat-
tan, at $11,500, submitted the iowest bid for improVing the
fences, roadways and walks at the Marine Hospita!, Stapleton,
N. T. Other bidders were Joseph Johnson & Sons, West New
Erighton, N. T.; Neptune B. Smythe, W. H. C. Russeil, New
Erighton; Abbott-Gambie Co., 32 Eroadway.

Eids were opened by the Department o£ Pubiic Charities,
Monday, Oct. 14, for the construction and completion of six
ward buiidings of the Sea View Hospitai, situated on certain
property owned by the city on the south sîde of the Manor
road, Township of Castleton, Richmond, for which Luke A,
Burke & Sons, 25 West 42d st, at $S73,O0O. were iow bidders,
and received the contract, The Staten Island hospîtals when
complete will number eight buiidings in aĩl, for which an ap-
propriation of $2,000,000 has been made.

Forest   av.   w   s,   E4   s   lOOth   st,   3-sty  brick   synagogue,   63x87.6;

cost,  $75,000;   Cong Beth Hamedrash Hagodel,  S Rosenfeid,  696

Cauldwel!   av,   Pastor;   ar'ts,   Goldner   &   Goldberg,   Jackson   aûd

WesLchester   avs.—993.
Hiil  av,  w a,   175  n Randall  av,  1-sty frame  stable,  10x10;   cost,

$100;   George Muiler,  on premises;   ar't, Chas Stegmayer,  16S B

Olst  Et,—1002.
Prospect av, s s, 275 e Fort Schuyier road, 2-sty frame dwelliag,

21.6x52;  cost. $4,500;  Theo Davis, ------ Herseil st; ar't, B Ebel-

iiig, West Farms Road.—995.
Perry av,  w s, 289 s Gun Hiil road, 2í4-sty frame dweiilng, peak

shingle roof, 21x60; cost, $5,200; Mrs E Williams, Gun Hil! road

and Webster av;  ar't, Wm Kenny, 2600 Decatur av.—984.
Spuyten Duyvil road, west junction N T Central R R tracks, brk

chimney staek, 13xĩ3, 75 tt in height; cost, $1,800; Isaac G John-

son & Co, on premises; ar't, Aiphons Custodis Chimney Const Co,

99 Nassau st,~998,
Spuyten Duyvil Parkway, — s, 1.180 s Van Cortlandt av, 2-sty brk

incinerator, 30.8x14; cost, $3,000; Slsters of Charity of SL Vineent

de Paui, on premises; ar'ts, Schicke! & Ditmars, 111 5th av.—909.
Van Nest av, s e cor Taylor st, two 3-sty frame stores and dwell--

ings, 20x45 and 50;  tota! cost, $11,000; Jacob Cohen, Berrian av

and  179th st;   ar't,  Henry Nordlieim,  Boston Road and Tremont

Webster av, e s, 750 n Wendover av, 1-sty frame coal pocket, 73x

31;  cost,'$8,000; N T C & H R R Co, Geo J Kuhn, on premises.

lessee;   ar't,  Guarantee  Const Co, 90 West st,—1001.
Whitlock av, w s, 250 s Tiffany st, fourteeu 3-sty brick tenements,

25x65 each; total eost, $126,000; Albert Rothermel, 6S6 E 149th

st, ow'r and ar't.—9S6.
West Junction, Spuyten Duyvil and N Y 0 R R tracks, 1-sty brick

boiier  house,   45.10x106.10;   cost,   $10,000;   Isaac  G Johnson  Co,

Spuyten Duyvii;  ar't, Frederick Putnam Platt, 80 Wail st—990.


Tho llrst name iB that o£ the ow'r; ar't etandi for archltect, m'n
for maaon. c'r for carpenter, and b'r for buliders.

When character of roof is not mentioned, it Is to be understooí
that the roof Is to be of tln.



Orchard st, No 26, 3-sty brk and stone ioft buiiding. 25x31;   cost,
. $7,000;   Jacob   Sweetman,   210  Division   av,   Brooklyn;   ar't,   Max

Muiler, 115 Nassau  st,—719,
2d   st,   No   171,   6-sty   brk   and   stone   tenement,    24.9x92.6;    eost,

$31,000;   Margaret   W   Folsom,   Waverly,   Mass;   ar'ts,   Mills   &

Greenleaf, 345 5th  av.—716.
13th st, s s, 318 e Av B,  6-sty brk and stone  tenement, 20x90,3,

plastiG   slate   roof;   cost,   $20,000;   Louis   Block,   Inc,  3  W   117th

st;  ar'ts, Sommerfeld & Steckler, 19 Union sq,—717,
Av A, No 207, 1-sty brk and stone outhouse, 11.2x10; cost, $1,000;

Mrs Minnie C Stuckei,  ou premises;  ar't, Henry Regelmann, 133

7th st,—718.


Broadway, w s, 23d to 24th st, 14-sty brk and stone office and
store buíldiog, 197.6x260, slag roof; coat, $2,000,000; H C & M L
Eno, Saugatucíc, Conn; ar'ts, Maynicke & Franke. 29S 5th av.—723.

52d st, Nos 148-150 West, 1-sty brk and stone outhouse, 27x10.4;
cost, $3,000; Bdwin M FelL, 15 TompkiDS av; ar't, J H Knubel,
318 W 42d st.—724.

5lh av, No 250, 5-sty brk and stone bank and office building, 3Sx
100, tiie roof; cost, $140,000; the Secoijd National Bank, 5th av
and 23d st;  a*'ts, McKím, Mead & White, 160 5th av.—721.


80th st, No 183 East, 1-sty brk and stone garage, 16.0x30, slag
or gravel roof; cost, .'^4,000; Mrs J C Bowron, Brookaide Drive
and Putnam av, Greenwich, Conn; ar'ts, Bosworth & Holden, 1170


Madison av, s e cor 136th st, 2-sty brk and stone office and storage

buiiding, 26x15;  coat, ?500;  ow'r, ar't and b'r, Pure Oil Co, 152-

15S 3d  st,  Erooklyn,—722.
Broadway, s w cor 133d st, 6-sty brk and stone apartment house,

68.5x115; cost, $125,000;  Daily & Carlaon, 694 E 136th st; ar'ts,

Neville & Bagge, 217 W 125th st.—725.


Cross st, n w cor City Island av, 1-sty frame boat house,  18x45;

cost, $750;  Mrs Wm A Walters,  oq premises;   ar't, Wm A Wai-

ters,  on premises.—9S3,
Carroli Lane, n e cor Washington av, 3-sty frame dwelling, 25x52;

cost, $9,000; Marie Conrado, 98 Caatle Hill av; ar't, Henry Nord-

heim, Boatoa Road and Tremont av.—9SS.
Carrol! st, n s, 225 w City Island av, 1-sty frame storehouse, 20x

15;   cost. $150;   Henry Weaver,  City Island;   ar'ts, S H  Booth &

Sona. City Isiand,—lOCO.
Perris Place, s e cor Westchester av, 2-sty frame hotel, 28.04x92.6

and 89.4;   cost, $7,500;  Marcus Nathan, 150 W 120th st;  ar't,  B

Ebeling,  Wcst Parms Road,—994.
Loring pl, w s,   197.53 n lS3d st, 2-sty and attic brick dweĩling,

peak tiie roof, 25x4S; cost, $9,000;  Amos L Schaeffer, 2309 Lor-

ing pi, ow'r and ar't,—992.
Madison   st,   w  s.   SO n   Barnett  pi,   2-sty  frame   dwelling,   21x52;

cost, $G,000; P Harrison, 131 West Farms Road;  ar't, B Ebeiing,

West Farms  Road,—996.
182d st,   s  s,   28 e   Crotona  av,   two  2-Ety  brick dwellinga,   20x51

oach;   total   cost,   $10,000;   Wm Schmĩtĸ,  1960 Anthony av;   ar't,

Frsnĸ Wolfgang,  7S7 E  177th  st,—987.
ISOth st,  s s,  140 w Bathgate av, 2-sty brick iaundry and boiler

hoiise, 27x48.8;  cost, .?10,000; St Joseph's Inatitute, ISSth st and

Bathgate av; ar't, M J Garvin. 3307 3d av.—991.
227th st, a s, 180 e White Plains road, 3-sty frame teuement. 2.-)x

54.6; cost, $5,000; L Righetti, 77 Carmine st; ar't, Edwin Wilbur,

22 William st,—985,
Brook av,  a  e cor  162d  st,  three 5-sty  brk  tenements, 37,6xG6.4x

91,8x94.6.\97,9;   total   cosl,   ipi40,000;   Williams   &   Scheibel,   119

Nassau st; ar't, Harry T Howell, 3^ av and 149th st.—997.



Broome st, No 316, toilets, partitions, windows, stairs, to 4-sty brk

and   stone   tenemeut   and   store;   cost,   ,118,000;   N   Berman,   11   E

107th st;  ar't, O Reiasmaun, 30 Ist st,—2718.
Broome st, No 147, store fronts,  to 3-sty brk and stone tenement;

cost, $500; M Rosenlover, 147 Broome st;  ar't, 0 Reissmann, 30

Ist st.—2743.
Columbia st, No 75^, partitions, windows, toilets, to 5-sty brk and

stone store and tenement; cost, $3,0Û0; Louis Zasuly, 293 Division

av,  Brooltlj'n;   ar't, H Horenburger,  122 Bowery.—2714,
Essex st, No 29, partitions, windows, piers, to 5-sty briĩ and stone

tenemeut; cost, $1,800; Mrs Mary O'Neiii, 29 Essex st; ar't, Henry

J Feiser,  150 Nassau  st.—2741.
Houston st No 31S East, brk piers, girders, to 4-sty brk and stone

store   and   office   building;   cost,   $2,50(1;   Moses  Zimmermann,  on

premises; ar'ts, Moore & Landsiedeĩ, 14Sth st and 3d av.—2731.
James st, No 6G, partitions, windowa, ateel beamp to two 4-sty brk

and   stone   tenements;   coat,   $500;   J   Cononicã; '64  Mulberry   st;

ar't. 0 Reíssmaun, 30 Ist st.—2707.
Mulberry  st,   No   82,   toilets   to   1-sty  frame   and   brick   outhouse;

cost,   $1,000;    Mary   McGowan   Murry,   301   W   104th     st;      ar'ts,

Reiley & Steinback, 4S1 5lh av.—2727,
Mulberry   at,   No  87,   íoiieta   to   l-aty   brick   and   frame   outhouse;

cost, $1,000; Mary McGowan Murry, 301 W 104th st; ar'ts, Relley

& Steinback, 481 5th av.—2728.
Pine st, No 38, balcony, to 3-sty brk and stone office buĩldirg; cost,

$500;  Northern Assurance Co, .SS Pine st;  ar'ts, J B Snooks Sons,

73  Nassau st.—2709.
Ridge  at,  No  S5.  air shaft,  partitions,  windows,  toilets,   to   two 3
.  and 5-sty hrk and stone tenements; cost, $4,000; Wm P Fogarty,

362  W  17th st;   ar't,  O Reissmann,  30  Ist  st,—2744,
Stanton   st,   No  39.   1-sty   brk  and   stone   rear  extension,   3.10x16,

partitions, windows, to 5-5ty brk and stone stores and tenement;

cost, $3,000; H Strasbourger. s w cor 3d av and S6th st;  ar't, H

Horenburger,  122  Bowery.—2715.
3d   sL,   No   132   Eaat,   partitiona,   windows,   to   5-Sty  brk   and   stone

lenement; cost, $3,000; Magdalena Sicks and Jniius L Lehner, 550

E 87th st;   art. A H Blankenstein, 121 Bible  House,—2713,
Gth st,   No 410 East,  bake   ovens,   toiiets,   to 5-sLy brk  and  stone

stores and tenement; cost, $1,200; Kittenplan & Rnbinger, 5 Beek-

man st;  ar't, L A Goidstone, 110 W 34th st.—273S.
9th st, No 30 East, 4-sty brk and stone rear extenaion, 2o.v40, alter

attic,   partitions,   toilets,  to 3-sty  brk   and   stone  dwelling;   cost,

$12,000; Saiiors Snug Harbor, S Geisman & Co, 46 E 9th sl, !es-

sees;   ar't, Oscar Lowinson,  18-20 East 42d st,—2719.
14th st,  No  110 W, erect tank to 10-aty brk and atone ioft bldg;

cost,   $250;   Henry   Singhi,   Kingsbridge   road   and   Agueduct   av;

ar't, Heury Andersen. 138 E 22d st,—2697.
20th sL,  No 19 W, aiter walls to 4-sty brk an^ stone show rooms

and  loft;   coat,  .'SSOO;   Henrietta Kamholz,  117 W 115th st;   ar't,

Louis F Fick, 524 W  HlOth st.—2699.
23d   st,   No   165  W,   1-sty   brk  and  stone   rear  extension,  22x42.6,

partiLions to 4-sty brk and stone store and offices;  cost, $6,000;

S  M  Kohen,   1855   7th  av;   ar't,  Chas  H Hichter. 68  Broad st,—

2701.   ■
27th st, No 159 W, toilets, partitions. to two 4 and 5-sty front and

rear stores aud tenements;  cost, $'750;  Benj Sire, 22 W 59th st;

ar't, Thomas S Godwin, 302 14th at, Brooklyn.—2726.
34th st, No 314 E, partitĩons, 4-aty briclî and stone rear extension,

11x28, to   4-sty brick and stone tenement;  cost, $20,000;  Joaeph

Finger, 152 Norfoik st;  ar't, David Stone, Bibie Houae.—2720.
42d st, No 210 W, 1-sty brick and atone rear extension, 20x23, to

5-aty   brick   and   stone   store   and   dwelling;   cost,   $800;   Samue!

McMiIIan, 212 W 42d sL;  ar't, Edward P Doane, Passaic,  N J.—

45th st, No 130 West, 3-sty brk and stone front extension, 20x20,

partitions,   plumbing fixtures,   to  3-sty  brk  and   stone   store  and

dwelling;  cost, $5,000; John W Barr, Jr, Louisville, Jefferson Co,

Ky;  ar'ts. Pollard &  Steinam, 234 5th av.—2739.
47th  st.   No  35 West,   1   and 4-sty  brk and  stone  rear  extcnsiou.

23:í7, and 11x15. partitions, electric wiring to 4-sty brk and stone

dwelling;   cost.   5:6,000;   Aifred   E   Marilng.   47  W  47th   st;   ar't,

Engineers   Building  &   Sanitary   Inspection   Co,   50   Maiden   lane.

53d st, No 119 East,  skyiights. partitions, sinks, to 4-sLy brk and

stone tenement; coat, $400; Maze Realty Co, 43d st and Lexington

av;   ar't.  WalLer H C Hornum.  360 W 125th st.—2745.
60th st. No 138 East, partitions, skyiights. baths, to 5-sty brk and

stone store and tenement; cost, $1,000; Abraham Siegel, 144 East

50th st;  ar'l, M Zĩpkes, 147 4th av,—2735.
70th st,  No  134 East,  alter dumb  waiter ahaft,  to 4-Ety brk  and
etone dweiling;  cnst, $1,000; A Leo Bverett, 134 E 70th st; ar'la
and b'rs, Edward Smith & Co, 43 Ann st,—2736,
  v. 80, no. 2066: Page 614