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came out of that lunch. Suddenly the pocketbook of anecdotes became Try and Stop Me. When it came out it became number one and stayed there for months. It had an enormous sale. It was a good book. I have done lots of books since but none of them had the richness of Try and Stop Me because that was crammed with over forty years of stories that I had collected.
I enjoyed it...the one that you gave me. I had never read it before.
It's rather dated now because so many of the people featured in it are dead.
Many people say that they don't have time to write. You always find time to do things but...
You always find time to do what you want to do.
Did you do this at home or did you find a few hours at the office?
Never at the office. I never could write at the office. I did it at home or on vacation. Several of the sections were written down in Florida. Phyllis and I went down to Florida with Lou Miller and Saxe Commins. The four of us went away for a brief winter vacation. That was during
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