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Bennett CerfBennett Cerf
Photo Gallery

Session:         Page of 1029


I remember she flipped water on us, but we remained happily till the performance ended.


I know that you went to Columbia after Townsend Harris. I was wondering whether you'd like to elaborate on something about the scholastic--


Well, now, there's an interlude here. After two years at Townsend Harris, I met a couple of boys who were working and making what I thought was a lot of money. I wanted to get in on the action. One of the boys was named Louis Young, whose father owned a chain of hat stores: Young's hats. They were very big. There were Youngs all over town; that was their slogan.

One funny story about that: One May 15th they couldn't get enough clerks. Everybody bought a hat at the same time. And we all got a job--$5 for the day to sell hats.


Was school still going on?




You'd just play hooky.


That one day, May 15th, sure. It was a shambles. We'd pull hats out, and we didn't know the stock very well. I remember my great feat that day. It was supposed to be for

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