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Bennett CerfBennett Cerf
Photo Gallery

Session:         Page of 1029

other perfectly. Without a word we pulled the derby off his head and kicked it all the way down to Riverside Drive. By that time it was a thing of rags and patches. It was a very unpleasant occasion, because he went to tell his mother, who complained to our mothers, and we had to buy him a new derby, which was $1 apiece for this $2 derby. That was a real dent! The next day he arrived with that new derby on. The temptation was great. Dietz and I looked at it longingly, but we couldn't afford it.

Another boy who lived in our building was Herbert Matthews, the famous Times man who got into trouble defending Castro. He just retired a few months ago.

There was yet another boy there, whose name I won't use. He had a sister who was about a year older than we were. We were all about 14, 15. And she was very blonde and very pretty, and I still remember Dietz and I paid this boy a dime to watch his sister take a bath. She splashed around while we sat and watched. That's the first time we understood a girl's anatomy. I still remember that lesson.


You never know what's going to stick in your mind.


Oh, that sticks in everybody's mind. I still remember that girl. She was giving us a strip tease.


In the bathtub, no less. That's better than what you pay for in a show.

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