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Did they ever ask you or pressure you to publish certain things during this period?
Certain books were brought to my attention, yes. But, when it came to publishing, I think I could spot communist propaganda nine miles away, especially after I had been fighting with Helen about these things continuously. So I was hep to them, and they never got away with anything. We did publish John Strachey but he was a member of Parliament, and anybody would have published him. He was a very successful author. We also published, as I told you, Edgar Snow's book, Red Star Over China. So we did publish, and we still do publish, a lot of books on the extremely liberal side.
But you never felt any direct pressure, did you?
Oh, I sure did. I told you, they tried various ways. They would present books to me.
Could you give one example of this?
No, I can't. I remember a couple of books, though, that were obviously very slanted, very slanted indeed.
Maybe I can ask another question that isn't sort of in this time. Have you ever felt any pressure from the CIA or U.S. Government, in the last ten or fifteen years, say, to publish certain books?
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