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Kenneth ClarkKenneth Clark
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Session:         Page of 763



Allegedly educational?


That's the title of it. Some of it is educational, some of it's dramatized, but with an educational purpose. I couldn't guess the age ranges too well, but probably from-- not the lowest grades, but maybe early low grades to maybe junior high. A mix of races and a mix of both sexes, especially in the drama part. In the teaching part, there are no adults except for actor roles in some cases, but the children take the leads.


I'm not too familiar with it.


I'd like to go back to the comment you made very early in the segment on the Regents, where you said-- I believe you attributed contributed this too especially to Commissioner Allen-- gave you the sense of the positive, of the possibilities of the Regents. Now you've probably gone into this further at least by implication in this discussion, but could you be a little bit more precise about what you meant by the sense of the positive, the possibilities of the Regents?


All right. It's not going to be very long. Vision, independence, a willingness to face the educational issues without looking over their shoulders, trying to decide whether this is going to be popular or not. Taking very seriously their constitutional Determined responsibility for educational governments. When I get a

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