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Kenneth ClarkKenneth Clark
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Session:         Page of 763


How did it turn out?


They had all viewpoints. One might say, I don't want to be called nigger, and somebody saying, but that's the way they were called-- you were called in those days. I think they're trying to be even-handed.


Sure. They generally do.


Yes, I believe the group of students-- I don't recall the teachers, it may have been their teacher who was with them there, but then there were other teachers-- it must have been assembled for that for this direction.

Well, are there any other comments you'd like to make about your tenure on the Board of Regents?


No. No. I'll be happy when this year is over and I can retire from the Regents with self-respect, I hope. I'm sort of tired now too.


What if they ask you to stay on?


Oh, no. I mean, I won't stay on, it's a sure one. I really am tired.


Yes. Twenty-one years is a long time.

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