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Kenneth ClarkKenneth Clark
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Session:         Page of 763

thought that we were enemies of the institution. So he hauled us up before the disciplinary at committee, and it was clear that we had to pay for our sins.

Now, I was a senior. This was in the spring of my senior year, and President Johnson made it very clear that I wasn't going to get any diploma. My coherts and co-conspirators were also going to be suspended.

But fortunately, there were rules and regulations that he was abiding by, and I guess to protect himself, we had to go before the disciplinary committee, in order to have judgment pronounced upon us.

The head of the disciplinary committee was a man who taught physics. I had taken some physics from him, and I didn't consider he was a particularly good teacher, maybe because I wasn't a particularly good student in physics. His sister was that English teacher whom I thought was so wonderful. Coleman, now I remember the name, Miss Coleman, and her brother, Red Coleman. And he was all for abiding by the desire of the president, to teach us a lesson, and either to expel us or suspend us or do something to make us know our place.

What he didn't reckon with, however, was, on that disciplinary committee were some really wonderful human beings, such as Ralph Bunche and Sterling Brown, and the young professor, or at that time probably assistant professor in either political science or sociology, I think maybe sociology, Harold Lewis -- history. No, Harold Lewis was a history professor. These three men put their jobs on

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