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St. Patrick's Cathedral on Christmas Eve. Don't ask me. A lot of people were arrested. Big p.r. I thought it was a wrong move, frankly. Davis insisted on it.
Anyway I met Jean on the picket line. We were together for about an hour, and I was telling her about Bread and Roses and she said to me, “Have you spoken to Paul Sherry at the United Church?” I said, “No.” She says, “You've got to call Paul and tell him that I suggested you call him.” I called Paul, and that began a wonderful relationship with the United Church of Christ. They must have contributed to Bread and Roses up to about 40,000 dollars over the years. As a matter of fact, last year they contributed 2500 dollars. Paul is gone -- he's in Chicago now. But the relationship with Paul and Howard Spragg -- he was the executive director of the United Church -- started at the first meeting, where I outlined Bread and Roses. They became very excited about it. They're a very socially conscious church. They have a labor section, and have been involved in many many campaigns. They seemed to perk up as I talked about things. They said, “We're interested, we're interested. We want to think about it.”
Then I raised with them the whole question of putting out the book Mill Town in a new edition, titled Lawrence, 1912: The Bread and Roses Strike. I had I think the only copy of that book that was around -- there may have been some in libraries. It was falling apart. I said, “If you would put this book out -- if you would publish it -- in this new, you know, in a new format because the author (Bill Cahn) is dead, the publisher doesn't exist. It's a new kind of thing but the author's widow (Rhoda), if we wrote a card, I'm sure would agree to do this.” She had all ready told me. She had given me all the pictures, I had the originals -- everything. We would revise it slightly with an essay, an introduction. I threw out to them I said, “If you will publish this book, I will help promote the book. I'll sell it to unions.” They said, “Well let's take a copy home, and I want to look it over.” Paul was then in charge of publications for them. Paul called me the next day and said, “We'd like to publish it. I've costed it out. It'll cost us close to about $1.80 to put it out, so that the actual cost is around $2. I said, “If you will agree to publish it, I will sell 10,000 copies for you at $2. Pre- publication. That way you can guarantee. You've got 10,000 paid for, you can increase your run and it reduces your cost.” We agreed -- it was a contract.
But I actually sold 10,000 copies. I called friends of mine in the labor movement -- Murray Finley, Russ Gibbons -- at different unions around the country. I said, “Look. I'm going to send you a xeroxed copy.” Some people knew about the book. “I'm going to send you a
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