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Edward KocheEdward Koche
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Session:         Page of 617

Schwartz along with John Lankenau. And one day Allen Schwartz said to me: “Ed, I would like to write Lindsay a letter telling him that I'd like to support him. Would you have any objections?” And he was being solicitous, since I was the district leader, Democratic district leader. And I said, “No, I don't mind, Allen, if you do that.” He was using firm stationery on which my name appeared. And so he wrote his letter. I honestly don't know if Lindsay ever replied, but even if he didn't, it wouldn't be his fault -- that would be his campaign manager's.

As we got closer to election, it was clear the Village was very supportive of Lindsay. The members of the Democratic club, the VID, basically were supportive of him. And I was supportive of him -- for mayor in '65. And the week-end before the election, I was called by a very good friend of mine who is a close friend today, Henry Stern, who was and still is a very important member of the Liberal party. And he said that he wanted to advise me that he thought I should come out for Lindsay. That's a very grave step for a Democratic district leader to take. And I thought about it and I said, “You're right, and I will do it.” After I had made the decision, I called friends to ask their opinion. It wouldn't have made any difference what they had said. The only one who registered a negative opinion, and I think I did not call her, and the reason I did not call her -- she later said to me -- is because “You

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