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Edward KocheEdward Koche
Photo Gallery

Session:         Page of 617

two days each month, although I don't think we've done as much as that. And you're really depending on the staff to do all this, and I don't like it frankly. I don't think you can really do the job. On the other hand, you can't say to people that you select on such commissions, which are normally very involved people in industry or the political process that “you have to do this as a full-time job,” because the government doesn't pay for it adequately. They give them $100 a day that they're there. But on the Federal Privacy Commission we have William Bailey, who is the chairman I think of Aetna Life Insurance of Connecticut, a really terrific guy. Well, obviously he can't devote two years of his life to a commission -- you can't pay him for that -- and therefore I believe that the following will help. This is my former partner's idea. Allen Schwartz. I had lunch with him and I told him what I had in mind and I told him the problem that I had about the formation of the commission. He came up with a brilliant idea. I'm not sure that it can be constitutionally done, but I'm looking into it.

He said there are ten federal circuit courts in the country representing various regions -- Southern Western, Midwestern, Northeast and so forth. If the commission were made up of people appointed by the chief judge in each circuit court -- those people are sometimes called “masters” -- then they are federal employees. They are asked to go out and hold hearings, assemble

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