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Mary LaskerMary Lasker
Photo Gallery

Part:         Session:         Page of 1143


Aren't you sorry that you didn't do so at that point?


Yes, yes. We only wanted them to be familiar with the subject in case there was a floor fight; we would then expect them to be part of the group on the floor of the Senate who would defend increased appropriations for research.

On the 21st of May we went to hear Fogarty defend the increased appropriations for the Public Health Service on the floor of the House. There was no fight on the increased appropriations for the Institutes of Health but he did a stirring and superb job supporting additional funds for hospital construction and for rehabilitation, and various other items which the new Department of Health, Education and Welfare budget contained. I had never heard anyone do such a good job really.

Percy Priest of Tennessee said the same that afternoon. Unfortunately, this may have been a contributing factor in putting a strain on John Fogarty, as a few weeks later he had a heart attack and had to go to the Bethesda Naval Hospital to rest for at least three months. This was a tragedy for us, as it would keep him out of the House and Senate Conference, where he would be a tower of strength on our side, and the loss of him left us not knowing how to get along.


Who was his chief lieutenant in fighting for this in the House?

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