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Mary LaskerMary Lasker
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Part:         Session:         Page of 1143


Why did they do this?


Because the deans have been singularly inept and unsuccessful in doing anything in legislation;they are totally unknowing about Washington and they really didn't have any people who had any know-how or leverage or talent to represent them. They just wanted new gyms and new dormitories and new classrooms more than they wanted research facilities.


Isn't that interesting that they representing a whole area of the intellect should be inept at understanding this sort of thing.


Yes. It takes quite a lot of finding out about and then a great deal of determination and it takes money to have someone spend their time on it unless they're self-propelled as Mrs. Mahoney and I were.

Congressman McCormack, the leader of the House, decided that if this amendment of the deans' were attached to S 849, Clayton Powell, the Negro representative from Harlem, would insist on his amendment which would prohibit segregated schools from receiving any funds. This Powell amendment, in McCormack's opinion, would defeat the bill in the House. This horrified us, the possibility of this. Consequently, it was a big problem.


It would be defeated why?

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