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life in the Federal Government. Isn't it extraordinary? He admired very much successful businessmen outside the government and I think he took this attitude from these Republican businessmen. It was very, very puzzling to me.
The conference between the House and the Senate did not take place until September of 1960, as the Congress had adjourned for the conventions, the political conventions, and had to meet again after them. Senator Fogarty had great trouble in finally arriving at the figure, as Melvin Laird, the Republican from Wisconsin, was constantly making trouble, to say nothing of Cannon and Taber.
In the spring of 1960 the Democratic National Committee had appointed a series of advisory committees to give recommendations for the platform of the Party for the convention in July, and for the first time that I can remember, I'm sure it was, the Democratic National Committee appointed an Advisory Committee on Health. Dr. Michael de Becky was appointed chairman of the committee and we had one meeting in Washington early in July.
You were on that committee?
I was on the committee, Mrs. Mahoney was on the committee, Dr. Manny Papper was on the committee, and Mr. Will Clayton of Houston was on it at the suggestion of Dr. de Becky.
Bringing to that committee what intelligence?
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