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Mary LaskerMary Lasker
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Part:         Session:         Page of 1143


No, he didn't get into the organization at all.


Was this something of your concern, to see that it was adequately and properly used?


Yes, and I found that the organization spent more time raising money than it did to use the money intelligently once it had gotten it, but the truth is that they didn't have enough money and needed to raise much more than they were able to.

One of the things that was done as a result of Albert's influence was to change the name of the organization from the Birth Control Federation to the Planned Parenthood Federation. The words “Planned Parenthood” were more acceptable, he felt, to men than birth control, which he felt advocated continence, an unpopular idea among the male population.


This was an advertising executive's realistic approach to things.



This name was accepted in '41 or '42and had continued every since, although birth control is frequently referred to.


Did Margaret Sanger go along with this?


Margaret Sanger always resented the change of the organization's name, I fear, because “birth control” was her

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