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Mary LaskerMary Lasker
Photo Gallery

Part:         Session:         Page of 1143

At this time very few people had any overall idea on how to attack the problem from many different angles. Each person who was at all interested had one minor avenue of approach, but Rhoads combined all the approaches in his thinking and saw a vision of a successful attack, if properly financed, on this dreaded disease. It was his vision and inspiration that made me determined to go ahead in '44 and '45, and also it made me urge that he be given the research responsibility in the beginning.

At this time Memorial Hospital had only--that is, when I first talked with him--about $45,000 for research, and later Albert and I obtained funds from various sources and gave some money, the total of about $55,000 in the first year of my acquaintance with him, to help him at Memorial and to especially support his work on steroid hormones in cancer. I'm still convinced that his attack on cancer through steroid hormones and assay methods of steroid hormones is incompletely explored as of this day and will still provide enormous illumination, once more work is done in this area.


Has the emphasis on virus taken its place?


Well, interest in it has taken its place, but one of the people who was most interested in Rhoads's laboratory died in the late '40s, and nobody took that man's place, and Rhoads couldn't find anyone else who was as competent.

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