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Mary LaskerMary Lasker
Photo Gallery

Part:         Session:         Page of 1143

The research effort at Memorial has grown from $80,000 in '44 to two and a half million in '53, and Jane, ask Memorial what the present research effort is--I think it's in the area of 6 or 7 million dollars now.

These efforts are really due thanks to Cornelius Rhoads and to Alfred Sloan and Mr. John D. Rockefeller and Laurance Rockefeller, his son, and to many other people who put their hands to giving and getting for the hospital. Among other things, I went on the board of the hospital eventually and one of the great gratifications I have had is that as a result of our efforts through the Cancer Society, with the Congress, Memorial Hospital has gotten substantial Federal funds, which have helped to make it great, but they have always had very strong voluntary support, too.

At the present time, it's the largest single research center in the world, outside of the Cancer Institute at Bethesda, but Memorial has more cancer patients. Bethesda has a bigger laboratory attack, that is, the National Cancer Institute at Bethesda. And, fortunately, Roswell Park in New York State has a substantial research fund due to state funds.

In the late winter of 1946 James Adams revised the by-laws of the Society. I remember his phoning Albert at La Cinta, California, to get his approval of his general plans. Albert

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