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Mary LaskerMary Lasker
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others have helped to broaden the base for the attack on cancer.


Have you maintained your interest in the Cancer Society?


Yes, I'm Honorary Chairman of the Board, and I'mon the board and on the Executive Committee, as of this day, June, 1963. I got on the board when Albert resigned. Albert resigned in the late '40s, exhausted by fighting with doctors who seemed still obstructionist and still very small in their approach to the problems of the organization. And it used to make me very frustrated, but I am now more resigned to the operations of a big voluntary organization. And I am now on the National Cancer Council.


Is there a large segment of thinking in the Cancer Society currently similar to what Mr. Lasker experienced?


I fear that he would still have trouble if he were there, but the big battle that we must do research and the fight about research and lay representation has long since been won.


Is there some concern still about the vastness of the sums now available, comparatively so?


Yes, but still many doctors and many intelligent laymen are so infuriated and so deeply moved by the horror of the disease that most of them really agree that nothing is too much until

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