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Mary LaskerMary Lasker
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Part:         Session:         Page of 1143

we get the answer. They don't get very articulate about it very often, but when it comes right down to voting in the legislative committee about how much we should support in testimony before the Congress they go along with it. They went along this year with over 215 million dollars for research and training in the area.


And their campaigns now for the raising of funds, do they have an adequate public relations...


The campaigns don't seem to me to have the punch and the vitality that they had initially. Possibly this is because the television and radio networks are not as enthusiastic about the Cancer Society as they used to be, because the Cancer Society studies have shown that cigarettes are the major cause of lung cancer, cause 96 percent, they state, of lung cancer. And as cigarettes are the main source of revenue for radio and television networks, this makes them view the Cancer Society's efforts with less than enthusiasm, although they don't absolutely or openly block us, but they do give us less cooperation than they used to. And we do have vice presidents of large companies' advertising divisions helping us to try to get radio and television time with the networks.


Do you feel this attitude on the part of the networks as a sort of temporary one? Is it not true that the evidence is piling up against the use of cigarettes?

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