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Mary LaskerMary Lasker
Photo Gallery

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his radio program and his column, which is a remarkable effort for one individual. It's been run by a man called Jack T , who worked for the Cancer Society before. Originally, the Cancer Society made allocations for him, but now they are made directly by Winchell and the board of the Runyon Fund. In the beginning of the Runyon Fund Leonard Lyons, a great friend of Albert's and mine, a columnist, and then also a friend of Winchell's, was on the Runyon Fund board. I suggested to Lyons that Winchell establish through the Runyon Fund a group of Damon Runyon fellows for cancer research. This he did, and in the beginning 15 fellows who received a larger stipend were called Damon Runyon Senior Fellowships in Cancer Research. Winchell had endorsed this idea enthusiastically, and in December of '48 gave me the first check of $150,000 from the Damon Runyon Fund for the Damon Runyon fellows which were to be selected through the American Cancer Society's research committee. Within a year, two personality difficulties, as I've said, developed, and the Damon Runyon Fund allocates its money separately.

In '47 Albert influenced “Wild” Bill Donovan to come on the board of the Society, and he became the Chairman of the Board. Bill did a superb job in conducting board meetings, made several trips around the country for the cancer campaign. He added great strength to the Society and contributed the work of his law firm freely in connection with legal problems. In about '49, Emerson Foote, unfortunately, had a nervous breakdown and resigned from the Cancer Board. It was a terrific loss. Emerson was dedicated to the cause and had a brilliant sense

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