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Mary LaskerMary Lasker
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of great wealth.


Yes, but he is not at all generous. Nobody has ever claimed that he's given money. I've never heard that he's given money to anything. Once in a great while, he makes some small contribution to a politician's campaign. Now, may be he gives sums away quietly, without his name attached to them, but nobody around him claims that he has. They just claim that he doesn't like to give money away.


I thought that might be some clue to his interest.


No. He's just not interested. I've found that so many people in politics are just not interested in health problems.

Now, Hoch had a hard time at first because various psychoanalytic cliques were opposed to him for various reasons. One, was because he was known to be interested in the new drugs. The psychoanalytic purists didn't want to help people with drugs, and still many of them don't, and they barely realize anything about the problems of the state mental hospitals. They think only in terms of ambulatory patients who are neurotic, not psychotic people who have to be taken care of and removed from their home setting.

As our National Committee Against Mental Illness had been helpful in interesting the governors of other large states, especially Michigan, Louisiana and Pennsylvania and Kentucky, to act and to get additional finds for medical

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