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Mary LaskerMary Lasker
Photo Gallery

Part:         Session:         Page of 1143

visual-minded was enchanted by his ideas, and I decided that I would try to get him customers. And, indeed, I did get him a number of customers, including Cushman Bakeries, for whom he designed new facades. Well, after I knew Albert Lasker, I interested Albert in him, and Albert got him Lucky Strike cigarettes, and he changed the package of Lucky Strikes from green to white. It was an improvement, anyway. But I got him a number of other customers, including the W.T. Grant stores; he didn't do a great deal but I did arrange for him to do something for them.


What was Mr. Loewy like?


Well, he was a Frenchman who was a very good salesman, a marvelous designer, had excellent ideas and they were practical. You see, he's really a genius as a designer. And I've been interested in any kind of improvements from improving on the looks of any kind of a package to a lipstick to a locometive. I didn't get him the job, but he did a lot of work in the '30s for the Pennsylvania Railroad, and while he was working for it, it became much more of a pleasure to travel by train.


Was he new to America at that time?

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