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Mary LaskerMary Lasker
Photo Gallery

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this time.

Oh, I know what it was. I was going to California anyway for the Lasker Medical Research and Health Administration Awards in San Francisco, and I went to Los Angeles in order to see Francie Brody.

I remember arriving at about 5 o'clock one evening, and that Stevenson came to call for me, and we joined a parade of cars going to Whittier, California, which was the town that Nixon came from, and where both Kennedy and Stevenson were speaking that night. Bill Blair, it seems to me, were with us in the car, and if not Bill Blair, then perhaps Bill Wirtz. But in any case, we drove this long distance from Beverly Hills to Whittier and we came into a stadium which had only one narrow entrance through which to get into by car. the crowd around Stevenson's car, which was my car, was so great that I thought that we'd all be killed or that we would kill somebody, because the car was going downhill and people were converging on us. Fortunately, we were saved, I guess by the police, and we got out and entered the stadium which had maybe 25,000 screaming people in it. There was a large platform onto which Stevenson went to join Kennedy, and I remember sitting down near the press table and looking at this great scene of people on this rather pleasant night in California. The people were fantastically enthusiastic, both for Stevenson and for Kennedy, and after it was all over, there was a problem as to how to get out of the place because the people just absolutely

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