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Mary LaskerMary Lasker
Photo Gallery

Part:         Session:         Page of 1143


Yes, she rather liked the idea, but I think that by this time she was thinking about politics and wasn't terribly involved in the entertaining end. They had stopped entertaining foreign visitors by this time.


Well, isn't it also true that, in the Johnson regime, there haven't been as many concerts?


Oh, there have, there have. They just haven't been publicized. It's no longer a novelty. They've had marvellous concerts, with Mischa Elman, Merrill, Leontine Prine -- oh, a great number of talented people. But they haven't had the emphasis that they had under the Kennedy administration. The Kennedy administration made a great kind of press feature of it, and this has just been done -- They've had a number of creative artists entertain at the White House under the Johnson administration. Why it hasn't been publicized in the same way, I don't quite know, but it hasn't.


Would there be any objection on the part of the established record people if this sort of thing developed?


Oh, no. Columbia picture records were willing to do a record and sell it for us. We already had the outlet, and we still can do it. We already had visited with Mr. Marrick, the head of Victor records RCA.

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