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Mary LaskerMary Lasker
Photo Gallery

Part:         Session:         Page of 1143

down to talk to them about anything? How can you have a liberal university where there are no outside influences?”


That's a good thesis.


Don't you think so? Well, we went to bed about one o'clock and the next morning I was up at nine, which was a terrible situation for me. We had a little visit and took some photographs, after which we set off for Hyde Park and the Roosevelt Library. We were met by Miss Drury, who is the head librarian, and the Library was full of children and vacationers who were looking around. Mrs. Johnson went through the stacks in the back of the Library and through some of the exhibition rooms. I was struck with how poorly they were displayed on the whole and how few really handsome things there were on exhibit. There was a baby's dress not terribly prettily landered, and not beauitifully displayed. The only magnificant thing was a sword decorated with diamonds from Ibn Saud and a kind of savage diadem or crown that had been sent to Mrs. Roosevelt by some exotic ruler. But other then these things, there were very few objects of any substance on view. The presents that they had been given and that were in the Library were not very interesting or not very handsome--it didn't seem to me. Or maybe they hadn't drawn on the

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