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Mary LaskerMary Lasker
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Part:         Session:         Page of 1143


What were your techniques? Did you have dinner parties?


Oh, we had dinner parties, we went to see him in his office, we did everything you can think of. I can't tell you all the things we did. We did everything.


This is a part of the story, isn't it?


This is a part of the story, and we did have the efforts of a very devoted but not very brilliant young man called Lyn Adams, Len?


He was your lobbyist?


He was the lobbyist. Paper was more interested in cancer actually, but as he saw that we were so deeply interested in this, he really was responsive to the idea and besides this, he had the support of the Miami Daily News in his last campaign, in ‘46, and this was certainly the result of the influence of my husband on Florence Mahoney's husband and on Mr. Cox and Florence' influence with them, and he wanted to please us. I couldn't say that it was really a deep preoccupation of Pepper's, but he was sympathetic.

The bill carried an appropriation of 17 million dollars and we said, of course, that if a bill mentioned an appropriation that was tantamount to having the money. We found we were so naive. We found that it is one thing to get the words, but

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