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Mrs. Lasker, I believe you wanted to resume your story today with an account of your struggle to obtain appropriations to implement the bill setting up the Heart Institute and the Cancer Institute. Is that not right?
Yes, I also want to mention that as a result of Albert Lasker's effort to get a rule for the Heat Institute bill in the House, the National Dental Institute bill was attached as a rider to the Heart Institute bill and it got a rule and was passed and became a separate Institute. It was the result of Albert Lasker's effort; they never could have gotten an independent institute, that is, not have gotten a rule for it. The American Dental Association was not the least bit powerful politically or legislatively and it was by Albert's effort that the National Dental Institute came into being.
And that was a matter of your planning and concern.
We were in favor of it. It was more or less chance that it happened.
After the Heart Institute bill was signed, we had a great struggle--in the fall we began this struggle--to get more money in the budget for the National Heart Institute, for research.
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