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Oh, she certainly has. Then after the lunch both Kennedy and Humphrey came up to me and said, “Listen, this is going to take a lot of publicity.” Came up to me separately. “This is going to take a lot of publicity, going to take a lot of doing.” I said, “Allright, you go on the air and speak in favor of it.”
Why did they have that point of view?
They had the feeling that there was going to be some resistance to spending large amounts of money. And I felt, if they felt this they were surely right because they're both extremely aware of everything, and I said, “Will you go on the air and support it?”
“Oh yes” they said.
They were tossing the ball back to you to do something?
I was going to have to get them on the air and see that they did this. Well, I tried, and their own people prevented them from doing it. Their own press people were very jealous of the idea that we'd gotten time on the air and it hadn't been delivered by them and they actually prevented either of them from speaking on any major network program in behalf of the bill, which was too bad.
This was the Foundation?
No, I did, with someone who works with me. Now, there was no open hostility to the bill in the press at this time, and I was sure there'd be opposition and I was nervous to know where the opposition was coming from.
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