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Mary LaskerMary Lasker
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Well, I hope that it will turn out to show up in the death rate.


What particular effort is Alice Fordyce accomplishing in New York state?


Well, she's in touch with the health commissioner. She's in touch with the city health commissioner. And she has organized some of the doctors and laymen to really keep the interest going in New York state.

One of the health problems that I've been interested in for a very long time is planned parenthood. General William Draper has made a major contribution in this area to getting the United Nations involved with it. He's the United States representative at the Population Commission of the United Nations, and I thought that we should try to help him in relation to the World Conference on Population which is going to take place in Bucharest, Rumania, of all places -- it seems to me to be a very strange and distant and poor place to get information out of, but this is where it's happening.


When is it happening, this year?


Yes, this August. We did support a luncheon given by the Overseas Press club, to invite world press representatives to hear him speakon the subject. He was extremely good. He speaks very well and his speech was very good. He didn't have what was called “hard news,” so we got very little spot publicity, none in New York

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