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Mary LaskerMary Lasker
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Part:         Session:         Page of 999

that I know of, and --


-- newspapers like some startling figures --


-- startling announcement, yes, like President Nixon is coming or something like that.

So I feel somewhat frustrated about that particular exercise. I must say I admire very much what he's done. Do you know him?


Why don't you plan to go to Bucharest while you're in Europe?


Oh, I could never survive. It would be too complicated for me. But I admire what they're trying to do, and it's the first time the subject has ever been brought up in a big public way.


Is this perhaps, the choice of locale perhaps an effort to get the Communist nations interested?


It may be. China's already interested. I don't know about Russia. And Rumania's already announced that they're not interested. Not interested in population planning. Maybe they want more. I'm not quite sure about that. It doesn't seem to me to be -- well, it seems to me a hard place to meet.

In connection with general health education, the producer of Sesame Street TV series, Mrs. came to see me about a new series she's doing, 26 programs, to involve the average person in the TV audience in trying to be more interested in health and taking care of themselves better. And I did get

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