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President to impound these funds, after they'd been voted by the Congress, and believe it or not, they were successful, and the money has been paid out.
It has been paid out?
Yes. This was really a triumph.
Last time you told me that it was going to be paid out but that it was going to be spread over a number of years.
Yes, well, that I think has been renegotiated, and the money in the areas that I know about has been paid. Isn't that amazing? It's the first time that any suit against the federal government was brought for money by outside people. I was one of the people that had to pay the lawyers' bills -- one of I suppose many, but I was one of them.
Your name was not attached to any one suit.
No. No, but I still had to -- the mental health end, I was one of the people who had to pay toward the legal fees. I think it was money very well spent, don't you? I forgot that completely, and it was a success.
May I wish you a very happy vacation in France, and maybe the possibility that you might go to Bucharest.
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