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Mary LaskerMary Lasker
Photo Gallery

Part:         Session:         Page of 999

guests for dinner in this place lighted with candles -- the best Texas food you could possibly imagine. I've never eaten such beef in my life, unbelievable, and so prettily decorated, such pretty fruit on the table, everything done with so much taste; and the walls of the pranary had been decorated with cut-out paper that looked like cutouts by Matisse. It was absolutely chearming.


Someone with great imagination had done this.


Yes, Mrs. and Mrs. Steves were the hostessge with Gilbert Denham. I've never seen anything so well-done and so original and different. And the grounds of the mission were lighted with candles get in sand inside of paper bags. They're called illuminarios. There were maybe 2000 of them. It was an absolutely astonishing, magical looking sight. Then we were taken to Mr. Laurance Rockefeller's plane and flown back to the ranch after all this day. I don't know how I survived all these goings on.


Have you been back to the ranch since?




Has she been up here?

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