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Mary LaskerMary Lasker
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She hasn't been here. She's been in New York. She's coming up here in October, I hope. That is about that.

Then Governor Carey being elected in November appointed me to his health task force, and Dr. Vernal Cave, the head of the black doctors' medical association, and I made a preventive medicine report to the task force that Carey appointed. I included a strong plug for the establishment of cancer research centers at suitable institutions throughout the state as well as hyper-tension screening and treatment programs. I am just now appointed to a research council that Carey is establishing. I have to go to a meeting next Wednesday, so we'll see what New York State does. But anything New York State does I don't feel is going to be as strong as it could be. Mr. Carey is very much influenced by his relative, Dr. Kevin Cahill. Dr. Kevin Cahill is a specialist on tropical medicine and really doesn't know anything about the kinds of problems that are remaining hero like high blood pressure.


Is he in practice?


in practice but for people like maharajas and African chiefs who come here who have some tropical disease, and the problems of the local population he's not expert in. But he's sympathetic.

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