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so complicated and really quite small. If we get the education money (there was a separate bill for education), the would get about 5% more on all the institues' budgets. So I don't think I did anything on the House side at all.
You're faced with this handicap now, the holding down of funds.
Oh, yes, well, of course, they're holding down because they think everything will be vetoed. And as Ford has been successful with four vetces now, they're scared to death of adding much money for fear of a veto, and it's a lot of work to be vetoed and start over again.
I did go to the Senate. I have just been to the Senate last week. I went to see Magnuson, who was sympathetic to earmarked money for demonstration of high blood pressure. He was sympathetic seewingly to more money for cancer, for I hope eye. And I went to see Hollings, who is in general sympathy with more funds. I went to see Bayh, who was definitely in favor of $120 million more for cancer research because of his wife's interest in the while field and his wife's experience with the disease. And I went to see Hubert, who was definitely in favor of $120 million more for cancer. And I got various people to be in touch with other people on the subccommittee. the sub-committee now doesn't know when it will mark up, and anything I've said to them this last week will be forcotten this next week, more or less
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