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which is an effective drug, but it's very toxic after getting five hundred milligrams, to the heart.
To the heart?
Yes. Now, it isn't toxic in animals, and whether or not it will be toxic in human beings and effective, nobody knows. We'll begin to know, we hope, within the next month. Presumably, it's going to start to be given within the next two weeks.
To human beings?
To human beings. I'm just hoping that it works, and that Hubert -- I'll see that Hubert gets it.
There is a general reluctance to try out things on human beings, isn't there?
Yes, unless they're very, very sick and want anything that anybody can think of to give them.
And sometimes it's such a desperate state that nothing will help?
Yes. And this, they have to tell -- well, they've studied this thoroughly, but then you never know what the proper dose in human beings is. You may give them so little that it doesn't affect them at all, or you may give them too much. And so it's a tricky business to start out with the right dosage.
At any rate, that's my only hope, because if there's no good drug that really works, I see no real hope for his survival. And I think he's one of the most important and useful men in the United States, don't you?
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