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There were crowds and crowds of people, and the only people that could be greeted by them were the people who were standing in the front of the crowd. We were told by the chief of protocol, “Stand right here at the corner of this door, don't move, or you won't be greeted by the President of France or the President of the United States.” So we stood right there. And it was freezing. I had to have a friend's fur coat around me. There was no heat in a building of that size, and without heat, it's just unbelievably cold. No amount of champagne will help you. I spoke to Mrs. Carter, and the President came up to greet me and give me a kiss. Florence Van Der Kemp was startled to see him and suddenly curtsied to him.
But at any rate, I enjoyed the trip very much, but it was a strange party. I think it worked out well for Giscard d' Estaing.
This was prior to the election?
It was prior to his election. I think if it had been a glamorous, brilliant party, that it would have gotten in the press and that the Communists, or the Left, would have been making a lot about it, and as it was, nobody could really be very sad they weren't there.
While you're on the subject of Versailles, you have not seen it since the bombing?
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